For the women...

Hi! 17 days! Woo hoo! I have never gone more than a couple days without smoking in 22 years. Everything feels amazing. Life is SO much better. Richer. Fuller. All the tastes, feels, smells... ugh so good. I really highly doubt I will ever go back. Cravings are incomparable to how good I feel.

One thing I am concerned with... My breasts have become enormous and full. Feels like lymph nodes appearing and disappearing too. I always thought I just had soft breasts... but I think I just had a hormonal imbalance or lacking circulation due to smoking? They are so sensitive now too. Almost hurts. I'm bursting out of my bras.

Is this normal? Has anyone else experienced this? It's actually kind of nice to be fuller...I hope they stick around!

And I also quit drinking wine. I was drinking a bottle or two a week. I might have a glass again one day. But for now...both habits needed to go.

Hi! 17 days! Woo hoo! I have never gone more than a couple days without smoking in 22 years. Everything feels amazing. Life is SO much better. Richer. Fuller. All the tastes, feels, smells... ugh so good. I really highly doubt I will ever go back. Cravings are incomparable to how good I feel.One thing I am concerned with... My breasts have become enormous and full. Feels like lymph nodes appearing and disappearing too. I always thought I just had soft breasts... but I think I just had a hormonal imbalance or lacking circulation due to smoking? They are so sensitive now too. Almost hurts. I'm bursting out of my bras.Is this normal? Has anyone else experienced this? It's actually kind of nice to be fuller...I hope they stick around!And I also quit drinking wine. I was drinking a bottle or two a week. I might have a glass again one day. But for now...both habits needed to go.
