M4F - The God Pill

They called it the god pill. Which seemed appropriate based on the results everyone had been getting. It basically reversed the aging process, regenerated cells at an unprecedented rate. At first it seemed to work from the inside out, improving ligaments, muscle mass, healing the body of any diseases or ailments that were once a death sentence.

Then wrinkles began to disappear, men would regrow hair, women's breasts became fuller, perkier no matter the age. Everyone felt and looked 20 years younger again, and just one pill a day was all it took to maintain their youthful vigor. Without aging and disease the death rates began to plummet. Creating entirely new sets of problems to contend with over the years, not the least of which being over population and food shortages.

The pill had it's fair share of side effects as well. It took years for them to start to reveal themselves. Some argued that it wasn't the pill that provided the side effects, but the feeling of immortality that resulted in most of the negative results. It seemed to have a different effect altogether depending on the gender and age in which they began taking the pills.

The pill was given to children to keep them healthy, it worked better than any vaccine, but also created a growth spurt that resulted in very well developed adolescents. Some even matured faster than others along with their physical growth, while others seemed to stay stagnent mentally. Studies indicated this typically had to do with the parents, their age, how long they too had been taking the god pill, etc. For a while there were protests and outrage about the use of the pill in children, but over time this too dissipated.

The younger the men were that took the pill the more aggressive it seemed to make them. They had a confidence about them, as well as a very casual attitude toward all things that most might ponder morally. The older men seemed to improve their physical well being while being somewhat complacent in their mental resolve. They still couldn't compete with the younger, stronger, more aggressive, and amoral youth. This only got worse with time.

Women saw immediate improvements in their fertility after taking the pill. Scientists concluded this may have been the biggest trigger in their hormonal imbalance which seemed to trigger a never ending libido. Once again an area that the older men could not compete with the younger, stronger, and more aggressive youth. This resulted in an overwhelming amount of unwanted pregnancies, broken homes, and less than ideal living situations for a lot of men that were once husbands and fathers.

It wasn't for lack of self control, studies indicated everyone still had the ability to make good, wholesome decisions. It just seemed people were less inclined to make such decisions once their carnal desires were amplified, their morals were eroded, and their sense of a never ending youthful vigor sat in.

The pill was initially available for all, but as the population continued to grow, and the natural resources began to deplete, the government began limiting its production, and those to whom it was accessible to. There were statutes put in place that made it illegal for anyone under a certain tax bracket to give birth, a crime punishable by death. Even though it was the "gods" (a nickname eventually given to those on the pill) and their youth that made up most of the violent crimes.

(So you made it this far! I wanted to create a world that allowed any number of interests/kinks to be introduced into the story line. Cheating? Adultery? Cuckolding? Violence? Younger? Older? Action? Adventure? All of the above? Add yours here.

I'm looking for long term partners to truly create stories, smut, dialogue, characters, etc with. I hope this prompt has been sufficient in providing you with enough detail to run with. A world with any number of problems and or solutions it may need. This could be modern day or post apocalyptic style, whatever we decide to create with it. I typically try to keep my story lines at least semi realistic, I know this one is a bit out there, I just mean, I haven't included any superpowers or anything in this "world", but not opposed to adding something if it's creative and fun for all.

I have yet to find a quality partner. So whether you want to run with this story or not, if you have an interest in a long term writing partner to excite and challenge each other send me a note! There is no expiration on this post, so whenever you find it, please reach out. I assure you as a man I am not getting NEARLY the replies you're getting in your inbox, so don't be shy lol. Also any previous posts are open as well, just let me know which one you're interested in and let's write together!)

They called it the god pill. Which seemed appropriate based on the results everyone had been getting. It basically reversed the aging process, regenerated cells at an unprecedented rate. At first it seemed to work from the inside out, improving ligaments, muscle mass, healing the body of any diseases or ailments that were once a death sentence.Then wrinkles began to disappear, men would regrow hair, women's breasts became fuller, perkier no matter the age. Everyone felt and looked 20 years younger again, and just one pill a day was all it took to maintain their youthful vigor. Without aging and disease the death rates began to plummet. Creating entirely new sets of problems to contend with over the years, not the least of which being over population and food shortages.The pill had it's fair share of side effects as well. It took years for them to start to reveal themselves. Some argued that it wasn't the pill that provided the side effects, but the feeling of immortality that resulted in most of the negative results. It seemed to have a different effect altogether depending on the gender and age in which they began taking the pills.The pill was given to children to keep them healthy, it worked better than any vaccine, but also created a growth spurt that resulted in very well developed adolescents. Some even matured faster than others along with their physical growth, while others seemed to stay stagnent mentally. Studies indicated this typically had to do with the parents, their age, how long they too had been taking the god pill, etc. For a while there were protests and outrage about the use of the pill in children, but over time this too dissipated.The younger the men were that took the pill the more aggressive it seemed to make them. They had a confidence about them, as well as a very casual attitude toward all things that most might ponder morally. The older men seemed to improve their physical well being while being somewhat complacent in their mental resolve. They still couldn't compete with the younger, stronger, more aggressive, and amoral youth. This only got worse with time.Women saw immediate improvements in their fertility after taking the pill. Scientists concluded this may have been the biggest trigger in their hormonal imbalance which seemed to trigger a never ending libido. Once again an area that the older men could not compete with the younger, stronger, and more aggressive youth. This resulted in an overwhelming amount of unwanted pregnancies, broken homes, and less than ideal living situations for a lot of men that were once husbands and fathers.It wasn't for lack of self control, studies indicated everyone still had the ability to make good, wholesome decisions. It just seemed people were less inclined to make such decisions once their carnal desires were amplified, their morals were eroded, and their sense of a never ending youthful vigor sat in.The pill was initially available for all, but as the population continued to grow, and the natural resources began to deplete, the government began limiting its production, and those to whom it was accessible to. There were statutes put in place that made it illegal for anyone under a certain tax bracket to give birth, a crime punishable by death. Even though it was the "gods" (a nickname eventually given to those on the pill) and their youth that made up most of the violent crimes.(So you made it this far! I wanted to create a world that allowed any number of interests/kinks to be introduced into the story line. Cheating? Adultery? Cuckolding? Violence? Younger? Older? Action? Adventure? All of the above? Add yours here.I'm looking for long term partners to truly create stories, smut, dialogue, characters, etc with. I hope this prompt has been sufficient in providing you with enough detail to run with. A world with any number of problems and or solutions it may need. This could be modern day or post apocalyptic style, whatever we decide to create with it. I typically try to keep my story lines at least semi realistic, I know this one is a bit out there, I just mean, I haven't included any superpowers or anything in this "world", but not opposed to adding something if it's creative and fun for all.I have yet to find a quality partner. So whether you want to run with this story or not, if you have an interest in a long term writing partner to excite and challenge each other send me a note! There is no expiration on this post, so whenever you find it, please reach out. I assure you as a man I am not getting NEARLY the replies you're getting in your inbox, so don't be shy lol. Also any previous posts are open as well, just let me know which one you're interested in and let's write together!) http://ift.tt/eA8V8J http://ift.tt/2noucY6
