NoMom and my anxiety diagnosis

So, since I was 15 I’ve had anxiety issues. Didn’t know that’s what it was until 27 or so and didn’t know it was a hormonal imbalance that triggered it until about 30. I always wanted to be honest with my family (so naive) so I told mom and dad “I have anxiety. It’s causing my myriad of other health problems.”

Mom immediately broke into boo hoo tears and asked what she did to cause it. Not “how can I help?” Not “what would be best?”

“What did i do to you that made you this way?”

I dunno mom. Maybe you wanted kids so bad you didn’t care that there’s a family history of mental and health issues? My brother is undiagnosed but he has something happening too. He’ll smile at me one minute then turn on me frightfully fast.

Any time I get upset or I’m agitated mom acts like I’m a wild animal and is “so afraid” I’m “going to snap and kill us all”. I’m peaceful. Quiet. I’m a “good kid” (even if I’m in my 30s) and to be honest I’m less likely to raise a hand to them than anyone in the world. She acts like the (very low dose) of medication will keep me from becoming a serial killer, that my “condition” is so bad that the medication is the only thing stopping me from going full on Norman Bates on the family.

All I know is it hurts and I’m still trying to please them.

So, since I was 15 I’ve had anxiety issues. Didn’t know that’s what it was until 27 or so and didn’t know it was a hormonal imbalance that triggered it until about 30. I always wanted to be honest with my family (so naive) so I told mom and dad “I have anxiety. It’s causing my myriad of other health problems.”Mom immediately broke into boo hoo tears and asked what she did to cause it. Not “how can I help?” Not “what would be best?”“What did i do to you that made you this way?”I dunno mom. Maybe you wanted kids so bad you didn’t care that there’s a family history of mental and health issues? My brother is undiagnosed but he has something happening too. He’ll smile at me one minute then turn on me frightfully fast.Any time I get upset or I’m agitated mom acts like I’m a wild animal and is “so afraid” I’m “going to snap and kill us all”. I’m peaceful. Quiet. I’m a “good kid” (even if I’m in my 30s) and to be honest I’m less likely to raise a hand to them than anyone in the world. She acts like the (very low dose) of medication will keep me from becoming a serial killer, that my “condition” is so bad that the medication is the only thing stopping me from going full on Norman Bates on the family.All I know is it hurts and I’m still trying to please them.
