Can someone explain hormones to me?

After years of trial and error, I believe I may have a hormonal imbalance. 24F, 5'7, 140lbs. Reside in Texas.

Why I think this:

Cystic acne around jawline around periods Irregular periods Multiple periods in a month Insomnia Night sweats Hot flashes Mood swings Severe anxiety/depression around periods Few hairs on the chin Foggy brain No libido Had a very painful cyst on ovaries, family history of polycystic syndrome. A few abnormal paps, but further testing showed no cancer or issues.

I went through puberty and high school with zero acne, manageable mood swings and no trouble sleeping. Started having sex, got on the pill until about 19. Kept forgetting the pills and worried about pregnancy so started exploring new options. This was the beginning of my 5 year nightmare that I'm still in.

  • Switched to Nuva Ring: sudden cystic acne, anxiety/ depression, insomnia, night sweats

  • Switched to the patch: increase in cystic acne, anxiety/depression, insomnia, night sweats

  • Switched to implanon: continued cystic acne, major mood swings, no libido, anxiety/depression, insomnia, nightsweats

  • Switched back to pill: decrease in cystic, but still occurs before/during period all other problems continue to persist

  • Switched pills 4 more times with varying hormones to try and stop the acne and other issues which at this point, are now severe.

I have seen:

Dermatologists Gynecologists Psychiatrists Psychologists Therapists General practitioners Specialists

Been put on several antidepressants for depression/anxiety, nothing has worked. Currently taking Trintellix 20mg, but still experiencing panic attacks/severe depression around periods.

Took spirolactane for acne, helped but did not stop it, blood tests were taken 3 years ago (while on BC) and came back normal

Right now I'm taking a generic of Lupin 3mg but am still experiencing irregular periods (sometimes twice a month), extreme PMDD, acne around periods, insomnia, mood swings, etc.

Finally; my breaking point which brought me to post this out of desperation.

I went to a hormone specialist yesterday, but they failed to tell me that I needed to be off birth control for a month before being seen. I waited a month for that appointment and even asked them if BC would effect the tests. I was told no. Frustration is an understatement.

To put it plainly, I am suffering. I don't feel like I'm being listened to or being taken seriously. I am terrified to go off BC because of how bad the withdraw symptoms will be (from experience) and theres no guarantee that getting hormone treatments will actually help.

I just...I don't know what to do. If I'm just crazy then fine but instinctually I cant shake the feeling that all of this is due to an imbalance of chemicals in my brain/body. I can't make sense of it and am extremely confused.

Please, anyone, explain to me how hormones work in the female body. How they can affect you, how they can be effectively tested and treated. ANYTHING. I've spent hundreds to thousands out of my own pocket seeing all of these doctors and none of them helped. I'm at the end of my rope reddit.

After years of trial and error, I believe I may have a hormonal imbalance. 24F, 5'7, 140lbs. Reside in Texas.Why I think this:Cystic acne around jawline around periods Irregular periods Multiple periods in a month Insomnia Night sweats Hot flashes Mood swings Severe anxiety/depression around periods Few hairs on the chin Foggy brain No libido Had a very painful cyst on ovaries, family history of polycystic syndrome. A few abnormal paps, but further testing showed no cancer or issues.I went through puberty and high school with zero acne, manageable mood swings and no trouble sleeping. Started having sex, got on the pill until about 19. Kept forgetting the pills and worried about pregnancy so started exploring new options. This was the beginning of my 5 year nightmare that I'm still in.Switched to Nuva Ring: sudden cystic acne, anxiety/ depression, insomnia, night sweatsSwitched to the patch: increase in cystic acne, anxiety/depression, insomnia, night sweatsSwitched to implanon: continued cystic acne, major mood swings, no libido, anxiety/depression, insomnia, nightsweatsSwitched back to pill: decrease in cystic, but still occurs before/during period all other problems continue to persistSwitched pills 4 more times with varying hormones to try and stop the acne and other issues which at this point, are now severe.I have seen:Dermatologists Gynecologists Psychiatrists Psychologists Therapists General practitioners SpecialistsBeen put on several antidepressants for depression/anxiety, nothing has worked. Currently taking Trintellix 20mg, but still experiencing panic attacks/severe depression around periods.Took spirolactane for acne, helped but did not stop it, blood tests were taken 3 years ago (while on BC) and came back normalRight now I'm taking a generic of Lupin 3mg but am still experiencing irregular periods (sometimes twice a month), extreme PMDD, acne around periods, insomnia, mood swings, etc.Finally; my breaking point which brought me to post this out of desperation.I went to a hormone specialist yesterday, but they failed to tell me that I needed to be off birth control for a month before being seen. I waited a month for that appointment and even asked them if BC would effect the tests. I was told no. Frustration is an understatement.To put it plainly, I am suffering. I don't feel like I'm being listened to or being taken seriously. I am terrified to go off BC because of how bad the withdraw symptoms will be (from experience) and theres no guarantee that getting hormone treatments will actually help.I just...I don't know what to do. If I'm just crazy then fine but instinctually I cant shake the feeling that all of this is due to an imbalance of chemicals in my brain/body. I can't make sense of it and am extremely confused.Please, anyone, explain to me how hormones work in the female body. How they can affect you, how they can be effectively tested and treated. ANYTHING. I've spent hundreds to thousands out of my own pocket seeing all of these doctors and none of them helped. I'm at the end of my rope reddit.
