Potentially starting out

I've been lurking around keto groups for awhile, the reason for being so cautious about starting is because I have insulin issues due to a hormonal imbalance. Fml. However I'm looking to go shopping tomorrow and go on a "two week challenge" to see how I go. I'm starting in a new workplace in about 6 weeks so im trying to use that time to switch around with diets.

I think I'm a fairly adaptable cook, the issue is I don't know what to buy as groceries for the keto diet (ps I hate avocados). Also I'm not sure of how much meat you can consume without it turning into body fat.

I've been lurking around keto groups for awhile, the reason for being so cautious about starting is because I have insulin issues due to a hormonal imbalance. Fml. However I'm looking to go shopping tomorrow and go on a "two week challenge" to see how I go. I'm starting in a new workplace in about 6 weeks so im trying to use that time to switch around with diets.I think I'm a fairly adaptable cook, the issue is I don't know what to buy as groceries for the keto diet (ps I hate avocados). Also I'm not sure of how much meat you can consume without it turning into body fat. http://ift.tt/eA8V8J http://ift.tt/2oyIZPX
