Reported my doctor for violating my confidentiality and letting Nmom access my medical info, and for other asshole things a doctor shouldn't do.
I requested that no one besides myself be allowed to make appointments for me, ask about my medication, or arrange for my medication ect ect. Explained why, and that's when things went downhill. (Realistically, I shouldn't need to explain why, as having privacy as a patient is my right.)
This doctor didn't believe what was happening was real, that domestic violence doesn't happen in families and most of all, that women don't abuse their children. He told me I needed a psychiatric evaluation because I didn't "trust my mother". Yeah, no shit I don't trust her, because she was physically violent, trying to financially abuse me, and threatening violence against me, and harassing me over depression medication. I'm taking the depression meds because of Ptsd she caused, by the way.
(example: she disagrees with me and tells me I need to take my pills because I'm acting "crazy". Would try to call the doctors to prescribe more or up the dosage of my medication, and would call and harass my rape counselor to get him on her side and start harassing me for her. Which he saw right through and handled excellently. Golden shit on her part, right?)
That request was denied like it was never even made. I also requested my referrals not be sent to my home address because she'd go through my mail. They ignored that one too and she almost got a hold of some very important referrals that she would of gone full violence mode over.
I decided I would go to the doctor as little as possible, as I couldn't switch yet. I had to go again after a while for birth control. I was having really bad hormonal imbalances and also just wanted to have the safety of not getting pregnant. This same doctor, tells me to go to a vitamin store and buy herbal supplements for it. No referral to an obg for birth control, even though it's in my insurance.
I ended up going to planned parenthood for birth control, I got set up with the implant, and within a month I was almost back to normal with my hormones. As it was, the implant starts working within a week. I can't even begin to describe how horrible having my hormones that out of whack was. The only thing that was going to help was birth control that would reduce my Estrogen. Herbs weren't going to do that, it's ridiculous that a doctor told me to do that instead of treating me.
I haven't been back to that doctor in a long time now, I finally have the ability to switch to a different doctor. I called up my insurance and started the process and also made two complaints about that doctor that are reports now, and I'll be given some kind of resolution letter within a month. The insurance person I talked to took me seriously and was just as concerned as I was that this doctor said and did these things.
I broke out into a sweat and had to fidget with my hangs while making that call, and I got nervous sick after. But it feels great knowing I can move on from that situation into one I'll actually be cared for, and that doctor may even be held responsible for being so irresponsible.
I hardly feel like I have control over my own life, so this is a huge step and it feels really great.
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