[skin concerns] small whiteheads and rough skin after dermaplaning?

Hello everybody!

I discovered a while back dermaplaning and actually love what it does to my face. Even while using acids, I feel like my face just develops so much dead skin. Plus, due to my hormonal imbalance, I have a bit of a strong peach fuzz (not dark, it's quite blonde, just quite heavy and long). Dermaplaning basically takes care of both, peach fuzz is gone and I always love the exfoliation I get from it.

However, recently I'm developing something like a rash around my mouth and chin area whenever I do this. The skin there gets a bit like sandpaper and I get teeny tiny whiteheads, a bit almost like Folliculitis. I only recently made the connection, because it happens like 2-3 days after dermaplaning (so I always thought it was some other product).

I was wondering, has anyone else experienced this after dermaplaning or any other physical exfoliation? Also, in case it is Folliculitis, what do you do after removing facial hair to avoid this?

Thank you so much!

Hello everybody!I discovered a while back dermaplaning and actually love what it does to my face. Even while using acids, I feel like my face just develops so much dead skin. Plus, due to my hormonal imbalance, I have a bit of a strong peach fuzz (not dark, it's quite blonde, just quite heavy and long). Dermaplaning basically takes care of both, peach fuzz is gone and I always love the exfoliation I get from it.However, recently I'm developing something like a rash around my mouth and chin area whenever I do this. The skin there gets a bit like sandpaper and I get teeny tiny whiteheads, a bit almost like Folliculitis. I only recently made the connection, because it happens like 2-3 days after dermaplaning (so I always thought it was some other product).I was wondering, has anyone else experienced this after dermaplaning or any other physical exfoliation? Also, in case it is Folliculitis, what do you do after removing facial hair to avoid this?Thank you so much! http://ift.tt/eA8V8J http://ift.tt/2sScth3
