Sugar and Love

Some female escort posted on SLF (then subsequently pretended to be an SD in reply comments):

"An SD might be whatever (rich, successful and maybe even good looking) but most of the time he is at least 15 years older and likely married. Similarly an SB might be gorgeous but it's just a fantasy and she is at least 15 years (often a lot more) younger, not to mention often from a very different socioeconomic background."

My take:

  1. Love from SD's is 200% of the reason why PPM hasn't fallen to $1xx. 200%, because half those falling in love have their feelings mitigated by lack of reciprocation.

  2. Love has two components: A. wishing someone (a beneficiary) well, and willingness to contribute resources or even making personal sacrifices to make that happen; B. desire to monopolize someone's attention (i.e. jealousy).

  3. Most men are evolved to exhibit chemically-/hormonally- driven both parts of love above . . . for the simple reasons that, in order to survive a lion attack, one doesn't have to run faster than the lion, but only faster than another human being nearby. Women and children (and consequently the human species) would be doomed if men didn't evolve Love/A. Love/B was evolved to assure paternity in return for his investment.

  4. 15+ years age difference is common among successful men marrying a second or third time. The way our society is going, young people can't get established and pay off their student loans until their late 30's to early 40's, 15 years age difference in first marriage is also starting to make sense. After all, marriage / mating / reproductive-partnership is not about 5-second hormonal imbalance (love at first sight) but actually a decades long partnership with properly raising children as the goal, which is heavily dependent on economic viability. 3 out 4 divorces take place due to finances.

  5. "Different socioeconomic background" is what satisfies women's hypergamous urge! Why do you think Prince Charming picked Cinderella? Instead of any of his bitchy distant cousins (who were actual princesses) or even her privileged sisters. Women having equal employment opportunity is a big contributing factor to many men of only equal means being disqualified by women in husband-search. Women desire men who are superior to themselves, in mating.

  6. The OP's erroneous projection is showing her gender.

Some female escort posted on SLF (then subsequently pretended to be an SD in reply comments):"An SD might be whatever (rich, successful and maybe even good looking) but most of the time he is at least 15 years older and likely married. Similarly an SB might be gorgeous but it's just a fantasy and she is at least 15 years (often a lot more) younger, not to mention often from a very different socioeconomic background."My take:Love from SD's is 200% of the reason why PPM hasn't fallen to $1xx. 200%, because half those falling in love have their feelings mitigated by lack of reciprocation.Love has two components: A. wishing someone (a beneficiary) well, and willingness to contribute resources or even making personal sacrifices to make that happen; B. desire to monopolize someone's attention (i.e. jealousy).Most men are evolved to exhibit chemically-/hormonally- driven both parts of love above . . . for the simple reasons that, in order to survive a lion attack, one doesn't have to run faster than the lion, but only faster than another human being nearby. Women and children (and consequently the human species) would be doomed if men didn't evolve Love/A. Love/B was evolved to assure paternity in return for his investment.15+ years age difference is common among successful men marrying a second or third time. The way our society is going, young people can't get established and pay off their student loans until their late 30's to early 40's, 15 years age difference in first marriage is also starting to make sense. After all, marriage / mating / reproductive-partnership is not about 5-second hormonal imbalance (love at first sight) but actually a decades long partnership with properly raising children as the goal, which is heavily dependent on economic viability. 3 out 4 divorces take place due to finances."Different socioeconomic background" is what satisfies women's hypergamous urge! Why do you think Prince Charming picked Cinderella? Instead of any of his bitchy distant cousins (who were actual princesses) or even her privileged sisters. Women having equal employment opportunity is a big contributing factor to many men of only equal means being disqualified by women in husband-search. Women desire men who are superior to themselves, in mating.The OP's erroneous projection is showing her gender.
