Coming out of Depression : A basic blueprint.

Depression , after having faced it recently , one thing I can say for sure is that , one has to experience it in order to understand it.

Loosing focus , being tired even though one had done nothing throughout the day , being numb and pretty much disconnected from inside. It took me some time to even realize that something beyond a “bad mood” is happening. Something which is not normal. If you have already crossed that stage of realization then you are already on a really good start.

Sharing with you few steps which really helped me from then onwards and I feel are necessary for speedy and core recovery (I felt speed was important since patience takes a toll) -

1.) Start counselling with a psychologist.

This step is really important in order to keep your thought process positive apart from immense help in dealing with any emotional issues the right way (which were probably one of the reasons for your depression) . Right guidance plays a very big role here.

2.) If you feel unmanageable physical symptoms like high anxiety , which is impacting your professional/personal life , then you can take medical support from psychiatrist. Please remember that these medications are like pain killers which make you comfortable temporarily while you are working on the root cause with your psychologist. Please don't stop your counselings after starting medications as it might give you a false impression that you “feel” OK . Medication is temporary but necessary tool.

3.) Take it slow , understand that in depression your energy levels might get pretty low sometimes and IT IS OK. Don't be harsh on yourself if you are not able to meet older/expected speed in anything. Remember , progress is progress , no matter how small.

4.) PLAN for low points . basically assume that you would be getting low points more frequently and of longer length probably , so plan for them. Eg : while making any commitment in work you can keep a buffer “low time” , taking your manager in confidence also helps sometimes but it depends on how much you trust him. Also make a list of basic things that you need to do definitely in your low time like getting out of bed , taking bath , brushing your teeth , having breakfast , going for walk , talking to someone etc. and during your really low points try sticking to your list.

4.) Don't try to look for interests or passions in your feelings in this phase, as it will in turn give you disappointment , focus more on making a routine for yourself and sticking to it. As it is said “looking for more positive experience is a negative experience , while ACCEPTANCE of one's negative experience in itself is a positive experience “ . To be able to stick to a basic routine in itself is a very big challenge during this phase. Positive actions will generate more calm and interest feelings.

5.) Take 1–2 people you trust , in confidence about your condition, with whom you can share about your experience and who can also support you during this time. Faith is important , as sometimes it is the only thing you have which keeps you going , and having a few people around who supports you , can really help. You can share within your family also if you feel they will be of any positive help to you , but sometimes they don't , in that case try to create distance from any negativity or drama. You can also look online for any such meetups where people come and share their experiences and battles (it really helps to know that there are more out there like you and how they fought depression. It strengthens your faith more).

6.) Go through a medical checkup of basic blood tests like thyroid , blood sugar , cholesterol , gut issues , hormonal imbalance etc . Most of the times depression is coupled with some physical issue as well (apart from emotional) and treating it also speeds up your recovery. It will also be a part of your “core solution” to depression and ensuring what you need to take care of in future to avoid a relapse.

7.) Once you feel that you are gaining momentum , educate yourself as much as you can through self help books or online articles. You can check with your psychologist also. Try to be more specific in this education eg: if you are diagnosed with few strong negative traits (that will happen in initial stage of your counselings) then look for sources on that topic instead of general depression books or if you are diagnosed of thyroid , then seek professional endocrinologist help for it and read more sources about how to change your lifestyle around it. So , basically EDUCATE yourself.

8.)PRIORITISE your health above everything else , if possible. Sometimes taking a break from job also is OK if really needed but ensure financial backup before doing that.

9.) Workout in any form is really helpful .

Don't get disheartened if you are not able to achieve your goals for a time being, as you will definitely rise much higher and brighter once this is over.

Hope this helps.

Depression , after having faced it recently , one thing I can say for sure is that , one has to experience it in order to understand it.Loosing focus , being tired even though one had done nothing throughout the day , being numb and pretty much disconnected from inside. It took me some time to even realize that something beyond a “bad mood” is happening. Something which is not normal. If you have already crossed that stage of realization then you are already on a really good start.Sharing with you few steps which really helped me from then onwards and I feel are necessary for speedy and core recovery (I felt speed was important since patience takes a toll) -1.) Start counselling with a psychologist.This step is really important in order to keep your thought process positive apart from immense help in dealing with any emotional issues the right way (which were probably one of the reasons for your depression) . Right guidance plays a very big role here.2.) If you feel unmanageable physical symptoms like high anxiety , which is impacting your professional/personal life , then you can take medical support from psychiatrist. Please remember that these medications are like pain killers which make you comfortable temporarily while you are working on the root cause with your psychologist. Please don't stop your counselings after starting medications as it might give you a false impression that you “feel” OK . Medication is temporary but necessary tool.3.) Take it slow , understand that in depression your energy levels might get pretty low sometimes and IT IS OK. Don't be harsh on yourself if you are not able to meet older/expected speed in anything. Remember , progress is progress , no matter how small.4.) PLAN for low points . basically assume that you would be getting low points more frequently and of longer length probably , so plan for them. Eg : while making any commitment in work you can keep a buffer “low time” , taking your manager in confidence also helps sometimes but it depends on how much you trust him. Also make a list of basic things that you need to do definitely in your low time like getting out of bed , taking bath , brushing your teeth , having breakfast , going for walk , talking to someone etc. and during your really low points try sticking to your list.4.) Don't try to look for interests or passions in your feelings in this phase, as it will in turn give you disappointment , focus more on making a routine for yourself and sticking to it. As it is said “looking for more positive experience is a negative experience , while ACCEPTANCE of one's negative experience in itself is a positive experience “ . To be able to stick to a basic routine in itself is a very big challenge during this phase. Positive actions will generate more calm and interest feelings.5.) Take 1–2 people you trust , in confidence about your condition, with whom you can share about your experience and who can also support you during this time. Faith is important , as sometimes it is the only thing you have which keeps you going , and having a few people around who supports you , can really help. You can share within your family also if you feel they will be of any positive help to you , but sometimes they don't , in that case try to create distance from any negativity or drama. You can also look online for any such meetups where people come and share their experiences and battles (it really helps to know that there are more out there like you and how they fought depression. It strengthens your faith more).6.) Go through a medical checkup of basic blood tests like thyroid , blood sugar , cholesterol , gut issues , hormonal imbalance etc . Most of the times depression is coupled with some physical issue as well (apart from emotional) and treating it also speeds up your recovery. It will also be a part of your “core solution” to depression and ensuring what you need to take care of in future to avoid a relapse.7.) Once you feel that you are gaining momentum , educate yourself as much as you can through self help books or online articles. You can check with your psychologist also. Try to be more specific in this education eg: if you are diagnosed with few strong negative traits (that will happen in initial stage of your counselings) then look for sources on that topic instead of general depression books or if you are diagnosed of thyroid , then seek professional endocrinologist help for it and read more sources about how to change your lifestyle around it. So , basically EDUCATE yourself.8.)PRIORITISE your health above everything else , if possible. Sometimes taking a break from job also is OK if really needed but ensure financial backup before doing that.9.) Workout in any form is really helpful .Don't get disheartened if you are not able to achieve your goals for a time being, as you will definitely rise much higher and brighter once this is over.Hope this helps.
