dedicated to those who don't feel they aren't good enough.

i've seen a lot of people who procrastinate over their height, weight, overall looks etc. let me tell you that most of it is bullcrap and unless you look like a fusion between predator and a dead rat, you're good enough.

Height : many guys feel that they aren't tall and that's why they can get girls to go out with them on dates. i would encourage you to read about a man named Neil Strauss. he is 5'6, bald and used to look like a ghost and apparently, he was ranked the best pickup artist in the world. you really have no excuses there.

weight : unless you suffer from hormonal imbalances or suffer from morbid obesity, you can get into the good bmi zone. it doesn't take hours of sweating in the gym or running marathons every day to be in good shape.

overall looks : go get a makeover if you feel like you look like a pile of cowdung. it isn't that expensive.

in a nutshell, there are no ugly people, only lazy people.

i've seen a lot of people who procrastinate over their height, weight, overall looks etc. let me tell you that most of it is bullcrap and unless you look like a fusion between predator and a dead rat, you're good enough.Height : many guys feel that they aren't tall and that's why they can get girls to go out with them on dates. i would encourage you to read about a man named Neil Strauss. he is 5'6, bald and used to look like a ghost and apparently, he was ranked the best pickup artist in the world. you really have no excuses there.weight : unless you suffer from hormonal imbalances or suffer from morbid obesity, you can get into the good bmi zone. it doesn't take hours of sweating in the gym or running marathons every day to be in good shape.overall looks : go get a makeover if you feel like you look like a pile of cowdung. it isn't that a nutshell, there are no ugly people, only lazy people.
