Fungal Acne and Synthetic Estrogen (Birth Control)

I'm going to try to repost this topic in the Folliculitis thread, where hopefully it can be helpful and not create so much backlash regarding contraceptive use. This is not a political conversation. My intentions are to help chronic yeast sufferers.

Fungal acne. Candida. The acne that doesn't seem to go away. I started getting yeast acne 6 years ago. It has been the most frustrating thing to explain to my friends, family, doctors, and skincare teachers. Ultimately there has been so many informative blogs and research regarding treating it that I want to thank everyone.

But, if there was something I learned and could add is that fungal acne is not just in the form of closed comedones, it's also in the form of pin-sized whiteheads especially around the mouth (digestive inflammation). I don't usually see many pictures of my type of fungal acne online, but I've started seeing it on women (especially) in person!

Mine became worse and worse every year even though I incorporated topical antifungals (tea tree, GSE, pyrithione zinc, nizoral, etc.) Into my skincare routine. I ditched the products that fed m. Fur fur. I have detoxed, candida dieted, used high quality probiotics which DID manage it, which is how I always knew it was fungal, but there was always at least one fungal clog. I by no means have conquered fungal acne. But in case this wasn't an obvious offender to some-

BIRTH CONTROL. Hormonal birth control, that is. (Pill, ring, shot, implant, mirena - w/ exception of copper IUD)

I made excuses to stay on synthetic horomones, but the havoc it creates is almost like taking a daily low dose antibiotic..

I stayed on the pill for years, knowing that it was a huge candida culprit, but I continued anyways. I'm sure everyone has read how high levels of estrogen in BCP (birth control pills) creates an estrogen dominance- the perfect environment for yeast. So I don't want to go into too much detail with that.

But on the subject of BCP's, ultimately BCPs are shutting off our natural hormones (the ones that our body chooses for it's homeostasis) and creates an imbalance. Synthetic horomones do not have the same ability or intelligence to operate and connect with other bodily functions (i.e. does not connect to the proper brain receptors) creating anxiety, depression, etc. Some researchers have said that we will look back on the overuse of birth control pills one day as a medical distater.

Whenever I would experiment with candida and quit the pill from time to time, my yeast acne would dramatically decrease. But as the years go on using the pill and being prescribed antibiotics sporadically, my fungal acne comes back with a vengeance.

I know birth control works for a lot of people, but I wanted to share how finally being off of the pill and letting my body function as it intends to on the inside has helped eliminate what was surfacing thru my skin. I will continue to supplement with Probiotics, and I'm very hopeful that I have cut the source of the problem.

Again, this post is not about hormonal related acne it's about estrogen dominance and chronic fungal acne and yeast infection sufferers. Being medication free and using non-hormonal contraception is what works for me.

Has anyone else figured out any major candida revelations that have helped them?

I'm going to try to repost this topic in the Folliculitis thread, where hopefully it can be helpful and not create so much backlash regarding contraceptive use. This is not a political conversation. My intentions are to help chronic yeast sufferers.Fungal acne. Candida. The acne that doesn't seem to go away. I started getting yeast acne 6 years ago. It has been the most frustrating thing to explain to my friends, family, doctors, and skincare teachers. Ultimately there has been so many informative blogs and research regarding treating it that I want to thank everyone.But, if there was something I learned and could add is that fungal acne is not just in the form of closed comedones, it's also in the form of pin-sized whiteheads especially around the mouth (digestive inflammation). I don't usually see many pictures of my type of fungal acne online, but I've started seeing it on women (especially) in person!Mine became worse and worse every year even though I incorporated topical antifungals (tea tree, GSE, pyrithione zinc, nizoral, etc.) Into my skincare routine. I ditched the products that fed m. Fur fur. I have detoxed, candida dieted, used high quality probiotics which DID manage it, which is how I always knew it was fungal, but there was always at least one fungal clog. I by no means have conquered fungal acne. But in case this wasn't an obvious offender to some-BIRTH CONTROL. Hormonal birth control, that is. (Pill, ring, shot, implant, mirena - w/ exception of copper IUD)I made excuses to stay on synthetic horomones, but the havoc it creates is almost like taking a daily low dose antibiotic..I stayed on the pill for years, knowing that it was a huge candida culprit, but I continued anyways. I'm sure everyone has read how high levels of estrogen in BCP (birth control pills) creates an estrogen dominance- the perfect environment for yeast. So I don't want to go into too much detail with that.But on the subject of BCP's, ultimately BCPs are shutting off our natural hormones (the ones that our body chooses for it's homeostasis) and creates an imbalance. Synthetic horomones do not have the same ability or intelligence to operate and connect with other bodily functions (i.e. does not connect to the proper brain receptors) creating anxiety, depression, etc. Some researchers have said that we will look back on the overuse of birth control pills one day as a medical distater. I would experiment with candida and quit the pill from time to time, my yeast acne would dramatically decrease. But as the years go on using the pill and being prescribed antibiotics sporadically, my fungal acne comes back with a vengeance.I know birth control works for a lot of people, but I wanted to share how finally being off of the pill and letting my body function as it intends to on the inside has helped eliminate what was surfacing thru my skin. I will continue to supplement with Probiotics, and I'm very hopeful that I have cut the source of the problem.Again, this post is not about hormonal related acne it's about estrogen dominance and chronic fungal acne and yeast infection sufferers. Being medication free and using non-hormonal contraception is what works for me.Has anyone else figured out any major candida revelations that have helped them?
