Am I [29F] a symptom of my boyfriend's [34M] depression and recent health issues?

I included some info in my original post regarding religion, but wanted to seek some insight into the other piece on his health issues.

Link to original post:

More medical details to the story - He was diagnosed with depression about two years ago officially and is now on medication. He believes that he has gone undiagnosed for longer than that. About a month ago, he has also broken a spinal disc and was put on painkillers. He is still unable to work and spends a lot of time at home. Money is now an issue for him due to lack of work. Most recently (within the last week) he was diagnosed with an under-active thyroid. He is also on medication to treat that.

Situation: At the beginning of April, I went away on a business trip. We had been fighting before then, but had a plan to go to counseling and work things out. When I got home, he informed me that he wanted to move out, with his reason being that he "wanted to miss me, but didn't" and "he wasn't sure if he was in love with me anymore". He moved out within the week.

We have spoken off and on since that day. We have also started counseling about a week ago.

Previous to our relationship, he was married and we met while he was separated. His ex-wife [39F] also suffers from depression. She and I have met and we get along great when we are in the same space, but we are not friends otherwise. He told me at the beginning of our relationship that his main reason for the two of them getting married was that both of them felt they wouldn't find another relationship. Equate this to two friends getting married regardless of compatibility. Their split was also mutual.

Current state: We are still separated and living apart but we are not seeing other people. We are also going to counseling. With all of this being so sudden, and with the news of his health and recent diagnosis, the former med-student in me wanted to believe that the reason he "doesn't miss me" and "unsure if he loves me" is caused partly by a hormonal imbalance and his depression. I am now wondering if I am a symptom myself, and I'm not sure how I'm going to get past this. I do not want this to end yet, I and truly believe that the last year we have been together was great; he also said so himself that he felt the chemistry was very different between his ex and myself. I don't know what to think right now.

TL;DR: Boyfriend [34M] and I [29F] are recently separated and he has recently been diagnosed with an underactive thyroid, on top of severe depression and a broken back. I'm wondering if his sudden need for space (he moved out) and his lack of feelings in the relationship are due to the depression and the thyroid. On top of that, I now wonder if getting into a relationship with me is a symptom of his depression. I'm still feeling in love and want to support him.

Thoughts? Insights? Any advice is welcome.

I included some info in my original post regarding religion, but wanted to seek some insight into the other piece on his health issues.Link to original post: medical details to the story - He was diagnosed with depression about two years ago officially and is now on medication. He believes that he has gone undiagnosed for longer than that. About a month ago, he has also broken a spinal disc and was put on painkillers. He is still unable to work and spends a lot of time at home. Money is now an issue for him due to lack of work. Most recently (within the last week) he was diagnosed with an under-active thyroid. He is also on medication to treat that.Situation: At the beginning of April, I went away on a business trip. We had been fighting before then, but had a plan to go to counseling and work things out. When I got home, he informed me that he wanted to move out, with his reason being that he "wanted to miss me, but didn't" and "he wasn't sure if he was in love with me anymore". He moved out within the week.We have spoken off and on since that day. We have also started counseling about a week ago.Previous to our relationship, he was married and we met while he was separated. His ex-wife [39F] also suffers from depression. She and I have met and we get along great when we are in the same space, but we are not friends otherwise. He told me at the beginning of our relationship that his main reason for the two of them getting married was that both of them felt they wouldn't find another relationship. Equate this to two friends getting married regardless of compatibility. Their split was also mutual.Current state: We are still separated and living apart but we are not seeing other people. We are also going to counseling. With all of this being so sudden, and with the news of his health and recent diagnosis, the former med-student in me wanted to believe that the reason he "doesn't miss me" and "unsure if he loves me" is caused partly by a hormonal imbalance and his depression. I am now wondering if I am a symptom myself, and I'm not sure how I'm going to get past this. I do not want this to end yet, I and truly believe that the last year we have been together was great; he also said so himself that he felt the chemistry was very different between his ex and myself. I don't know what to think right now.TL;DR: Boyfriend [34M] and I [29F] are recently separated and he has recently been diagnosed with an underactive thyroid, on top of severe depression and a broken back. I'm wondering if his sudden need for space (he moved out) and his lack of feelings in the relationship are due to the depression and the thyroid. On top of that, I now wonder if getting into a relationship with me is a symptom of his depression. I'm still feeling in love and want to support him.Thoughts? Insights? Any advice is welcome.
