[AU!GsSaga] The eye of the Storm

A long time ago, there was an empire known as Semankatlan.

A catastrophe caused by their regimen's inner instability and external distresses from their harboring sun, had forced into a long exile that ended once they found safety in Earth.
For thousands of years they lived, the empire blooming one more, until further conflicts made their way. A war broke out, one that destroyed all their hopes and light for a better future. . .
That was until two survivors, that remained in stasis after the war's end, rose up with the intention of bringing the empire again.

Using their knowledge and the powers of their inner stars, these survivors gave a group of five girls the skills to awaken their own star power in order to prepare themselves for the looming threat that never ceased to be: the threat of the Eternal War.
A war that would be perpetrated for ever and ever so long as darkness and Chaos reign.
The girl's stars, who have themselves names after gemstones, would grant them incredible abilities: there was Amber, the lady of fragrant fire. Sapphire, the jeweled mermaid that manipulated water at her whim. Iolite, the strong and and composed soldier who had command of the weather and skies above. Emerald, the gentle lady of earth who could make flowers bloom and use Nature as her shield. Finally, as their leader and commander, the one chosen to become the head of the new Empire, was Lucky. Naive and stubborn as she could be sometimes, childish even, her icy powers proved to be versatile and powerful; specially when combined with her allies.
As they grew in age, so did their power helping them reach out levels never imagined.

These were the Girls from Space: a group of Star Guardians that would save the world from the upcoming darkness, destined to end the Eternal War once and for all.

That was, at least, ten years ago.

Things got much harder than expected when we started High School.
Sometimes I think that the hormonal imbalance we all went through made our power somewhat unstable. If it wasn't that, our own problems with life would surely hamper our abilities to cooperate or get the job done.
It didn't help that some of us were younger or older than some in the group: Lucky and Amber were the youngest, starting this gig when they were 8, we found Sapphire at that Mayan site roughly when she was about 10 or so. Emerald was the oldest, being 12 at the time.
Then there's me: I met Lucky when I was 10 and by age 12 I was already flying around in the air making some stuns and trying to work things up.
I never understood why certain patterns of rain or sun would be affected by a 'high' or 'low' pressure. It wasn't hard to realize once I got my hand on moving clouds and have them do what I wanted: the less agitated I was, the easier it was for me.
For the most part, it wasn't so difficult since my father went to the military and his discipline kind of rubbed onto me growing up. But there were some battles when I was close to loosing my grip.
My teenage rage could literately turn into a storm. That would have turned nasty.

At that time, however, life would swing us to a place I never thought I'd find myself: space.
The origin of the war we were supposed to fight was outer space.
Lucky was the one who coined the 'Girlsfromspace' term when we started and I always thought it took more than having some sort of relationship with the stars above. Just like you can't call Hi-C orange juice just because it's orange and it sort of tastes like orange juice.
My understanding of the secret origin of this star power and the guys that recruited us was that their race came did come from outer space but lived on Earth for a long time.
Never really explained us details of why they came here and why we had to do this sort of thing, which always bothered me, but I decided to stay because Lucky's disposition was really endearing and I wanted to protect that.

The Eternal War, as we began to discover, was something far more than we could ever begin to grasp.
Chaos doesn't have a specific form, though it did have it's Messenger it seems, and it can wrap everything in an instant.
Chaos is unplanned change that can throw every plan imaginable to the ground.
How can you fight something like that? It's basically begging the universe to stop doing what it knows best.

That concept turned dark when I started to realize what exactly ending the Eternal War was: their intention was to control it. The Semankatlanians, before they had come to Earth, had managed to concentrate and capture Chaos turning it into a source of power.
How they did it and kept it running for so long still eludes me. Naturally, that would explain their sudden and terrible demise.
The sins of the ancient civilization was still running amok and it was now our job to destroy it.
But you cannot destroy Chaos, Lucky concluded. She had ascended to a form that I could call close to 'divine', gathering the energy from the stars everyone has. The energy that makes us be, maximized until it shone bright: that was the secret behind the star power we held.
Visibly, she was tired, but she was happy that the conflict had ended at least for now.
We held each other tightly, hoping to pass on the remains of our energy to her as a way to comfort and heal her wounds, and we cried.
Deep down we all knew we had to do this again. What it would take to seal Chaos away or bring some conclusion to this is still unknown.
We parted ways after that, making sure to take notes on how to contact each other if something was needed and attempted to live our lives as normal.

I can't say I've moved on from that point. The scars of battle, as my father put it bluntly one time when he was telling me of his missions in Iraq, don't really heal completely.
They stay with us as a reminder of life's worth and what is worthy enough to give out that life through a fight.
I kept honing my skills in secret, trying not to change the weather patterns too much to call too much attention on my person.
Flying was usually to reach further heights and aim thunderbolts where I needed them. Now, I was trying to see how far up and fast I could go.
Every morning at 6 I would wake up to see what else I could do before heading to College, if my schedule allowed it. Small pockets of air from my hands, cool the wind around me on a particularly hot day, bring some mist if needed.

That was until two weeks ago.
Midori, known to us a Gs Nature, sounded worried on the phone.
Lucky had gone missing.
I almost dropped my phone.

"What do you mean missing?"
"I-I..." I felt Nature recoil. I didn't mean to sound too demanding. "Karen went to her house last night and her family told her that they had not heard from her in a week or so. Right now they are tweeting and posting her photo everywhere. The police doesn't seem to have a clue."
"The police should know who she is!" The grip on my phone tightened. I thought I heard some rumbling outside. I took the time to take a deep breath before continuing. "We worked with them during some missions. Have they really forgotten?"
"I-I'm not sure. . . I hope they haven't. It's really disheartening if they did."

I knew the authorities were powerless against what we fought. That's really why we where there. On some free time we had, when ever the city wasn't going to explode due to some outworld shenanigans, we even helped them in community projects and as PR for a safer city.

"I have a bad hunch."
"What is it Carol?" Midori asked. I rubbed the bridge of my nose.
"When we were younger, starting in this whole thing, remember that Kris- I mean, Chauatelt had put the police at his disposition, right?"
"I- um.. yes, I do. He said it was because they were unruly and he was going to teach them how to work side by side with us."
"What if the reason the police aren't helping is because he still has that grip?" I paused, shaking my head. "What if Chauatelt is the one who took Lucky away?"
"W-what?! Why would he do that?" Her panicked voice echoed with my concerns. "I don't understand. We stopped Chaos, did we not?"

It occurred to me that a pause to the conflict would not satisfy him.
Chauatelt, the white Star Knight protected by Silicon.
Though his actions would be categorized as good, the consequences would probably challenge them.
It was obvious that he wanted a solution at all cost.

"Gather the team," I ordered. "We have a new mission in our hands."

Original Prompt: [WP] The galaxy has forgotten the ten pre-teen magical girls that saved it from the Intergalactic Horror that was bleeding over from another universe. Until that is, one of the girls, now grown, turns to piracy to make ends meet...
Written on: 20 Apr 2018 @ 4:00 pm

A long time ago, there was an empire known as Semankatlan.A catastrophe caused by their regimen's inner instability and external distresses from their harboring sun, had forced into a long exile that ended once they found safety in Earth.For thousands of years they lived, the empire blooming one more, until further conflicts made their way. A war broke out, one that destroyed all their hopes and light for a better future. . .That was until two survivors, that remained in stasis after the war's end, rose up with the intention of bringing the empire again.Using their knowledge and the powers of their inner stars, these survivors gave a group of five girls the skills to awaken their own star power in order to prepare themselves for the looming threat that never ceased to be: the threat of the Eternal War.A war that would be perpetrated for ever and ever so long as darkness and Chaos reign.The girl's stars, who have themselves names after gemstones, would grant them incredible abilities: there was Amber, the lady of fragrant fire. Sapphire, the jeweled mermaid that manipulated water at her whim. Iolite, the strong and and composed soldier who had command of the weather and skies above. Emerald, the gentle lady of earth who could make flowers bloom and use Nature as her shield. Finally, as their leader and commander, the one chosen to become the head of the new Empire, was Lucky. Naive and stubborn as she could be sometimes, childish even, her icy powers proved to be versatile and powerful; specially when combined with her allies.As they grew in age, so did their power helping them reach out levels never imagined.These were the Girls from Space: a group of Star Guardians that would save the world from the upcoming darkness, destined to end the Eternal War once and for all.That was, at least, ten years ago.Things got much harder than expected when we started High School.Sometimes I think that the hormonal imbalance we all went through made our power somewhat unstable. If it wasn't that, our own problems with life would surely hamper our abilities to cooperate or get the job done.It didn't help that some of us were younger or older than some in the group: Lucky and Amber were the youngest, starting this gig when they were 8, we found Sapphire at that Mayan site roughly when she was about 10 or so. Emerald was the oldest, being 12 at the time.Then there's me: I met Lucky when I was 10 and by age 12 I was already flying around in the air making some stuns and trying to work things up.I never understood why certain patterns of rain or sun would be affected by a 'high' or 'low' pressure. It wasn't hard to realize once I got my hand on moving clouds and have them do what I wanted: the less agitated I was, the easier it was for me.For the most part, it wasn't so difficult since my father went to the military and his discipline kind of rubbed onto me growing up. But there were some battles when I was close to loosing my grip.My teenage rage could literately turn into a storm. That would have turned nasty.At that time, however, life would swing us to a place I never thought I'd find myself: space.The origin of the war we were supposed to fight was outer space.Lucky was the one who coined the 'Girlsfromspace' term when we started and I always thought it took more than having some sort of relationship with the stars above. Just like you can't call Hi-C orange juice just because it's orange and it sort of tastes like orange juice.My understanding of the secret origin of this star power and the guys that recruited us was that their race came did come from outer space but lived on Earth for a long time.Never really explained us details of why they came here and why we had to do this sort of thing, which always bothered me, but I decided to stay because Lucky's disposition was really endearing and I wanted to protect that.The Eternal War, as we began to discover, was something far more than we could ever begin to grasp.Chaos doesn't have a specific form, though it did have it's Messenger it seems, and it can wrap everything in an instant.Chaos is unplanned change that can throw every plan imaginable to the ground.How can you fight something like that? It's basically begging the universe to stop doing what it knows best.That concept turned dark when I started to realize what exactly ending the Eternal War was: their intention was to control it. The Semankatlanians, before they had come to Earth, had managed to concentrate and capture Chaos turning it into a source of power.How they did it and kept it running for so long still eludes me. Naturally, that would explain their sudden and terrible demise.The sins of the ancient civilization was still running amok and it was now our job to destroy it.But you cannot destroy Chaos, Lucky concluded. She had ascended to a form that I could call close to 'divine', gathering the energy from the stars everyone has. The energy that makes us be, maximized until it shone bright: that was the secret behind the star power we held.Visibly, she was tired, but she was happy that the conflict had ended at least for now.We held each other tightly, hoping to pass on the remains of our energy to her as a way to comfort and heal her wounds, and we cried.Deep down we all knew we had to do this again. What it would take to seal Chaos away or bring some conclusion to this is still unknown.We parted ways after that, making sure to take notes on how to contact each other if something was needed and attempted to live our lives as normal.I can't say I've moved on from that point. The scars of battle, as my father put it bluntly one time when he was telling me of his missions in Iraq, don't really heal completely.They stay with us as a reminder of life's worth and what is worthy enough to give out that life through a fight.I kept honing my skills in secret, trying not to change the weather patterns too much to call too much attention on my person.Flying was usually to reach further heights and aim thunderbolts where I needed them. Now, I was trying to see how far up and fast I could go.Every morning at 6 I would wake up to see what else I could do before heading to College, if my schedule allowed it. Small pockets of air from my hands, cool the wind around me on a particularly hot day, bring some mist if needed.That was until two weeks ago.Midori, known to us a Gs Nature, sounded worried on the phone.Lucky had gone missing.I almost dropped my phone."What do you mean missing?""I-I..." I felt Nature recoil. I didn't mean to sound too demanding. "Karen went to her house last night and her family told her that they had not heard from her in a week or so. Right now they are tweeting and posting her photo everywhere. The police doesn't seem to have a clue.""The police should know who she is!" The grip on my phone tightened. I thought I heard some rumbling outside. I took the time to take a deep breath before continuing. "We worked with them during some missions. Have they really forgotten?""I-I'm not sure. . . I hope they haven't. It's really disheartening if they did."I knew the authorities were powerless against what we fought. That's really why we where there. On some free time we had, when ever the city wasn't going to explode due to some outworld shenanigans, we even helped them in community projects and as PR for a safer city."I have a bad hunch.""What is it Carol?" Midori asked. I rubbed the bridge of my nose."When we were younger, starting in this whole thing, remember that Kris- I mean, Chauatelt had put the police at his disposition, right?""I- um.. yes, I do. He said it was because they were unruly and he was going to teach them how to work side by side with us.""What if the reason the police aren't helping is because he still has that grip?" I paused, shaking my head. "What if Chauatelt is the one who took Lucky away?""W-what?! Why would he do that?" Her panicked voice echoed with my concerns. "I don't understand. We stopped Chaos, did we not?"It occurred to me that a pause to the conflict would not satisfy him.Chauatelt, the white Star Knight protected by Silicon.Though his actions would be categorized as good, the consequences would probably challenge them.It was obvious that he wanted a solution at all cost."Gather the team," I ordered. "We have a new mission in our hands."Original Prompt: [WP] The galaxy has forgotten the ten pre-teen magical girls that saved it from the Intergalactic Horror that was bleeding over from another universe. Until that is, one of the girls, now grown, turns to piracy to make ends meet...Written on: 20 Apr 2018 @ 4:00 pm https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://ift.tt/2qV3U0N
