Long journey toward weight-loss with a LC-HF (low carb-high fat) might be stressful when you are over 60.

After reading on some important journals and reports about how older people age, it's striking how the diet/lifestyle of the person has direct influence on their way of aging and the metabolism of fat. Healthy weight-loss seems particulary difficult to achieve when a person is morbid obese and over 60 years of age. I am doing a planned diet that I intend to document here for the record. The diet is made by me for a client of mine. I am using this calculator as so far has been my favorite tool to design diets. I am doing this with the hopes of bringing an answer to those under the same circumstances; trying to reach ketosis for weight-loss and improve quality of life if the person is somewhat feeling low of energy or suffering any of the degenerative disease like Alzheimer's and Parkingson's disease.

My approach will be less animal protein, more unprocessed fats and intermittent fasting with a different approach to avoid hormonal imbalances (I will be changing this throughout the weight-loss process) I will be learning from this and I would much appreciate any contribution from this community.

Generated by Keto Calculator 9.13

64/F/5'5" | CW 203 | 35% BF | Lightly active

  • 1453 kcal Goal, a 20% deficit. (730 min, 1817 max)
  • 25g Carbohydrates
  • 90g Protein (80g min, 131g max)
  • 110g Fat (30g min, 150g max)

After reading on some important journals and reports about how older people age, it's striking how the diet/lifestyle of the person has direct influence on their way of aging and the metabolism of fat. Healthy weight-loss seems particulary difficult to achieve when a person is morbid obese and over 60 years of age. I am doing a planned diet that I intend to document here for the record. The diet is made by me for a client of mine. I am using this calculator as so far has been my favorite tool to design diets. I am doing this with the hopes of bringing an answer to those under the same circumstances; trying to reach ketosis for weight-loss and improve quality of life if the person is somewhat feeling low of energy or suffering any of the degenerative disease like Alzheimer's and Parkingson's disease.My approach will be less animal protein, more unprocessed fats and intermittent fasting with a different approach to avoid hormonal imbalances (I will be changing this throughout the weight-loss process) I will be learning from this and I would much appreciate any contribution from this community.Generated by Keto Calculator 9.1364/F/5'5" | CW 203 | 35% BF | Lightly active1453 kcal Goal, a 20% deficit. (730 min, 1817 max)25g Carbohydrates90g Protein (80g min, 131g max)110g Fat (30g min, 150g max) https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://ift.tt/2HscAH2
