Possible PCOS/second opinion needed?

First time posting about this, I'll likely cross post. I believe I have PCOS, or something going on. I've had an odd history of irregularity and extremely heavy periods.

When I was 15 I was put on birth control because I was having to be sent home from school for passing out and vomiting every month due to my periods. They had never been regular, but I was still young and only got it at 13. I was on this same birth control (lowest dose) for maybe two years. For about a year during this time I didn't have my period. Changed pills a few times. My periods were still pretty irregular, either missing a month or just never on time. Maybe for a few months tops I could have it regular.

At 21 I went to a derm for acne who said that my breakouts were deep and must have been due to hormonal imbalance, likely high testosterone levels. So he had me talk to my gyno about going on a high dose BC, which I did. I went on the highest possible and it helped my periods become more regular and helped my acne.

After three years i started missing periods again. One month I got it twice. My uterus just felt heavy and crampy and it felt off. Like that feeling when something is wrong and you don't know what? I went to the gyno for my annual and my pap was normal, STD tests clean. Told her my issues and said something felt wrong and explained what was happening. Lately I had been even waking up from a strange discomfort in my womb/uterus area. she recommended me going on a different pill. I asked if she was sure it couldn't be anything else and she said sometimes our bodies are too adjusted to our pill, which I don't doubt. However, I'm 25 have have probably only had a consecutive regular period for 1-2 years of my life maybe. That seems odd to me.

I came out as gay a few months before so I decided to scrap the new BC, take a chance on the heavy periods from my teen years and see what happened. I stopped taking it in November. My periods became regular after a month for about three months, always arriving within at least 3 calendar days. All extremely heavy, BAD PMS, but not throwing up or passing out luckily. Then this month I had two completely separate single days (<24 hours) of spotting two weeks apart and missed my period entirely.

I really have felt like this was possibly PCOS and voiced this to my doctor years ago, but they said they couldn't test for it or do anything. Whatever it is I felt like something was wrong, but maybe it really was my pill. Please ignore my cell phone grammar! Thank you for any insight.

Am I overreacting or should I get a second opinion?

First time posting about this, I'll likely cross post. I believe I have PCOS, or something going on. I've had an odd history of irregularity and extremely heavy periods.When I was 15 I was put on birth control because I was having to be sent home from school for passing out and vomiting every month due to my periods. They had never been regular, but I was still young and only got it at 13. I was on this same birth control (lowest dose) for maybe two years. For about a year during this time I didn't have my period. Changed pills a few times. My periods were still pretty irregular, either missing a month or just never on time. Maybe for a few months tops I could have it regular.At 21 I went to a derm for acne who said that my breakouts were deep and must have been due to hormonal imbalance, likely high testosterone levels. So he had me talk to my gyno about going on a high dose BC, which I did. I went on the highest possible and it helped my periods become more regular and helped my acne.After three years i started missing periods again. One month I got it twice. My uterus just felt heavy and crampy and it felt off. Like that feeling when something is wrong and you don't know what? I went to the gyno for my annual and my pap was normal, STD tests clean. Told her my issues and said something felt wrong and explained what was happening. Lately I had been even waking up from a strange discomfort in my womb/uterus area. she recommended me going on a different pill. I asked if she was sure it couldn't be anything else and she said sometimes our bodies are too adjusted to our pill, which I don't doubt. However, I'm 25 have have probably only had a consecutive regular period for 1-2 years of my life maybe. That seems odd to me.I came out as gay a few months before so I decided to scrap the new BC, take a chance on the heavy periods from my teen years and see what happened. I stopped taking it in November. My periods became regular after a month for about three months, always arriving within at least 3 calendar days. All extremely heavy, BAD PMS, but not throwing up or passing out luckily. Then this month I had two completely separate single days (<24 hours) of spotting two weeks apart and missed my period entirely.I really have felt like this was possibly PCOS and voiced this to my doctor years ago, but they said they couldn't test for it or do anything. Whatever it is I felt like something was wrong, but maybe it really was my pill. Please ignore my cell phone grammar! Thank you for any insight.Am I overreacting or should I get a second opinion? http://ifttt.com/images/no_image_card.png https://www.reddit.com/r/AskDocs/comments/8f9jzs/possible_pcossecond_opinion_needed/?utm_source=ifttt
