Wanted a baby badly, now can't muster up interest

Anybody else have this issue? For sometime I was CF, then got a bit of baby fever watching my friends have kids, and now that husband and I are actively planning, I just...sort of lost interest again? I'm close to 40 so if it's not happening now, it probably won't happen without luck or lots of cash.

One reason I did want a kid was fear of missing out. I was scared my life would feel meaningless, I was scared of getting old without having a family. I was scared of my husband dying before me...all those things people tell you to be afraid of.

But now...I really don't feel fearful anymore. I don't know why, I just don't. It might be due to the fact I've taken up meditation, who knows. And I just don't think fear is the best reason for bringing a life into the world. My potential kid deserves better. I feel like I have things that will contribute to this world and I don't necessarily have to be a mom to feel like my life is meaningful. I want to work with kids too, and for some reason I get more excited about helping disadvantaged kids in a volunteer setting than getting pregnant, raising a kid, the whole nine yards.

Anybody else just lose steam when you thought you were ready? Not sure what's wrong with me. My worry is that hormones were making me baby crazy but now that I'm actually getting healthy, taking supplements, and staying active in order to prepare for a child, I've stopped fantasizing about having one. Almost like I had an imbalance before and now I feel, I dunno, pretty good about life without kids. I started thinking as long as I do good in this world and care for other people, that is all that matters in the end to me.

Was my desire for kids just hormonal? Do I sound like a good candidate for parenting? I feel like I should at least be passionate about parenting for the kid's sake but I feel soooo disinterested right now. Am I just trying to fill a void with volunteering and helping other people's children and will regret not having a kid of my own?

Is it possible I might be just as fulfilled contributing to children in other ways?

I feel like my husband and I would do okay as parents. But we'd also do okay being childfree. I feel if I'm just not that into the idea, maybe I should err on the side of childfree, since I shouldn't drag another being into this world unless I was gungho about it.

Sorry for rambling. Any thoughts?

Anybody else have this issue? For sometime I was CF, then got a bit of baby fever watching my friends have kids, and now that husband and I are actively planning, I just...sort of lost interest again? I'm close to 40 so if it's not happening now, it probably won't happen without luck or lots of cash.One reason I did want a kid was fear of missing out. I was scared my life would feel meaningless, I was scared of getting old without having a family. I was scared of my husband dying before me...all those things people tell you to be afraid of.But now...I really don't feel fearful anymore. I don't know why, I just don't. It might be due to the fact I've taken up meditation, who knows. And I just don't think fear is the best reason for bringing a life into the world. My potential kid deserves better. I feel like I have things that will contribute to this world and I don't necessarily have to be a mom to feel like my life is meaningful. I want to work with kids too, and for some reason I get more excited about helping disadvantaged kids in a volunteer setting than getting pregnant, raising a kid, the whole nine yards.Anybody else just lose steam when you thought you were ready? Not sure what's wrong with me. My worry is that hormones were making me baby crazy but now that I'm actually getting healthy, taking supplements, and staying active in order to prepare for a child, I've stopped fantasizing about having one. Almost like I had an imbalance before and now I feel, I dunno, pretty good about life without kids. I started thinking as long as I do good in this world and care for other people, that is all that matters in the end to me.Was my desire for kids just hormonal? Do I sound like a good candidate for parenting? I feel like I should at least be passionate about parenting for the kid's sake but I feel soooo disinterested right now. Am I just trying to fill a void with volunteering and helping other people's children and will regret not having a kid of my own?Is it possible I might be just as fulfilled contributing to children in other ways?I feel like my husband and I would do okay as parents. But we'd also do okay being childfree. I feel if I'm just not that into the idea, maybe I should err on the side of childfree, since I shouldn't drag another being into this world unless I was gungho about it.Sorry for rambling. Any thoughts? https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://ift.tt/2FoLcnh
