asexuality? trying to figure myself out.

to start off, i’ve never really felt the need to have sex. people discuss it as if it’s something that DRIVES you and something you NEED but even as a teen and growing up... i’ve never felt the need?

however, i have been in a relationship with my fiancé for going on 8 years now and he knows i feel this way, however he is allosexual. we’ve had sex and it never felt good for me physically (i loved being with him in the moment). it didn’t matter how much foreplay we had, lube, etc. i just don’t get turned on, so to speak. i don’t really know if that makes me asexual or if i have a hormonal imbalance or... what.

i’m just at a loss because i don’t feel repulsed by sex or anything to do with sex, in fact i love kinky things and watching porn involving kinky things... but actual penetration is just not what gets me going. i do love foreplay and it makes me feel good... but penetration just hurts and i never feel anything from it.

so what do you guys think? am i truly just ace or could there be something unhealthy going on here?

to start off, i’ve never really felt the need to have sex. people discuss it as if it’s something that DRIVES you and something you NEED but even as a teen and growing up... i’ve never felt the need?however, i have been in a relationship with my fiancé for going on 8 years now and he knows i feel this way, however he is allosexual. we’ve had sex and it never felt good for me physically (i loved being with him in the moment). it didn’t matter how much foreplay we had, lube, etc. i just don’t get turned on, so to speak. i don’t really know if that makes me asexual or if i have a hormonal imbalance or... what.i’m just at a loss because i don’t feel repulsed by sex or anything to do with sex, in fact i love kinky things and watching porn involving kinky things... but actual penetration is just not what gets me going. i do love foreplay and it makes me feel good... but penetration just hurts and i never feel anything from what do you guys think? am i truly just ace or could there be something unhealthy going on here?
