Copper IUD 7 month update!

Here’s my 7 month update having the copper IUD (Nova T-380 I believe). Keeping the IUD, but going back onto the pill to deal with severe hormonal imbalances.

I was on a combination pill for almost 8 years before having the copper iud placed. I have an autoimmune thyroid disorder (hashimotos), so my doctor and I wanted to stop hormonal bc to get an accurate view over the natural state of my hormones and cycles. Welp. My cycles have been ALL OVER the place and my hormones totally out of whack.

I know it can take a while to readjust after the pill, but my cycles have been anywhere from 30-60 days long, and my periods have become increasingly painful with really terrible mood swings. Turns out I have severe hormone imbalances and lack oestrogen (which can apparently be quite bad for bone health for women my age - 23yo!). Since quitting the pill, I’ve experienced hair growth on my face (mainly peach fuzz, but also more dark strands on my chin and upper lip than I’d like..), terrible skin, and mood swings. On the pill, my emotional baseline was lower, with the occasional mood swing, but without the pill my baseline is higher (I feel happier when OK) but the mood swings I’ve been experiencing have been horrendous and almost unbearable. It feels like 2-3 weeks of PMS before each period, where some days I feel so depressed I can’t get out of bed to go to work. I’ve also lost about 7kg since stopping the pill, which was the only welcome surprise.

In the end, my doctor recommended I go back on the pill to regulate my hormones, as the imbalances have also impacted on my thyroid health and I can’t take these mood swings anymore. I suggested waiting it out to the 12 month mark to let my body do its thing, but I am apparently so far out of the norm that my doctor felt more comfortable putting me back on the pill right away for the sake of my physical and mental health. I never had any major issues with hormonal bc in the first place and it is fine to combine copper IUD with the pill so I agree with this choice.

I’m generally really happy with my copper IUD though - I’ve had so much less anxiety about getting pregnant with it, knowing it’s just in place and I can’t forget it. I’ve not had any pain related to it (apart from menstrual cramps) and wish I could just rely on the IUD and not have to go back onto the pill. Alas, my body is not having any of that “produce your own hormones” stuff so back onto the pill I go!

I think it is so important to listen to your body, and do what is best for you. There are so many “horror stories” about hormonal bc out there, but you won’t know what’s right for you until you try and consult with a doctor you trust.

Here’s my 7 month update having the copper IUD (Nova T-380 I believe). Keeping the IUD, but going back onto the pill to deal with severe hormonal imbalances.I was on a combination pill for almost 8 years before having the copper iud placed. I have an autoimmune thyroid disorder (hashimotos), so my doctor and I wanted to stop hormonal bc to get an accurate view over the natural state of my hormones and cycles. Welp. My cycles have been ALL OVER the place and my hormones totally out of whack.I know it can take a while to readjust after the pill, but my cycles have been anywhere from 30-60 days long, and my periods have become increasingly painful with really terrible mood swings. Turns out I have severe hormone imbalances and lack oestrogen (which can apparently be quite bad for bone health for women my age - 23yo!). Since quitting the pill, I’ve experienced hair growth on my face (mainly peach fuzz, but also more dark strands on my chin and upper lip than I’d like..), terrible skin, and mood swings. On the pill, my emotional baseline was lower, with the occasional mood swing, but without the pill my baseline is higher (I feel happier when OK) but the mood swings I’ve been experiencing have been horrendous and almost unbearable. It feels like 2-3 weeks of PMS before each period, where some days I feel so depressed I can’t get out of bed to go to work. I’ve also lost about 7kg since stopping the pill, which was the only welcome surprise.In the end, my doctor recommended I go back on the pill to regulate my hormones, as the imbalances have also impacted on my thyroid health and I can’t take these mood swings anymore. I suggested waiting it out to the 12 month mark to let my body do its thing, but I am apparently so far out of the norm that my doctor felt more comfortable putting me back on the pill right away for the sake of my physical and mental health. I never had any major issues with hormonal bc in the first place and it is fine to combine copper IUD with the pill so I agree with this choice.I’m generally really happy with my copper IUD though - I’ve had so much less anxiety about getting pregnant with it, knowing it’s just in place and I can’t forget it. I’ve not had any pain related to it (apart from menstrual cramps) and wish I could just rely on the IUD and not have to go back onto the pill. Alas, my body is not having any of that “produce your own hormones” stuff so back onto the pill I go!I think it is so important to listen to your body, and do what is best for you. There are so many “horror stories” about hormonal bc out there, but you won’t know what’s right for you until you try and consult with a doctor you trust.
