Hormonal issues/melasma - a vent

I'm reaching a point in my life where the melasma on my face keeps me more preoccupied than I like. It's worsened with age-- it's darker, it spread to other areas, and 1 measly minute in the sun causes it to instantly darken or create a new spot. I've probably spent close to 2K trying to treat those with topicals (hydroquinone), laser, hydrafacial, and microderm and nothing helps. It barely fades, and the topical treatments eventually lose effectiveness after 2 months or cause sensitivity and I have to stop. I use SPF 30+ diligently everyday (including winter), wear SPF makeup, wear wide-brimmed hats, and avoid the sun as much as possible.

I am darker-skinned/olive complected (Indian ethnicity). This isn't a great way to live, to constantly be worried about my appearance. Yes, people have said rude or very mean comments about it to me if I don't wear makeup, and I wish I could tell them the backhanded compliments aren't compliments!

It's frustrating that derms always say "this is hormonal, the cause is hormonal" and never tell me ANYTHING to treat the hormonal cause. I asked my current derm how I could and he laughed and said it's going to be a lifelong struggle for me-- and he's rated the topic melasma treatment provider in my area, hmm! I've gotten lectured from him and his staff for not reapplying SPF makeup often enough, or sunscreen, or not being prepared with sun protection because people are supposed to anticipate unplanned incidental sun exposure.

It seems whenever a woman is experiencing hormonal issues or imbalances, doctors don't want to be helpful. I'm jaded after my poor experiences dealing with PCOS, and wish I could find a doctor who could at least help me address the root cause of the melasma. Even if it reduced it by 50% and it never completely went away, that would be an improvement to my current experience. And not some wacky homeopathic treatment (sorry if that offends anyone, I don't trust a lot of that stuff). I want to address the root causes of my health so I can live normally and not freak out over having 5 minutes of unplanned sun exposure, and not spend 10 minutes every morning covering melasma with makeup, worrying about reapplying it later on, and the cost.

Am I the only one alone with this struggle? I don't like living this way, and each time I change my thinking about this or think "dare to go bare!" there's always that person who makes an unkind comment and my self esteem tanks lower than the Mariana Trench.

I'm reaching a point in my life where the melasma on my face keeps me more preoccupied than I like. It's worsened with age-- it's darker, it spread to other areas, and 1 measly minute in the sun causes it to instantly darken or create a new spot. I've probably spent close to 2K trying to treat those with topicals (hydroquinone), laser, hydrafacial, and microderm and nothing helps. It barely fades, and the topical treatments eventually lose effectiveness after 2 months or cause sensitivity and I have to stop. I use SPF 30+ diligently everyday (including winter), wear SPF makeup, wear wide-brimmed hats, and avoid the sun as much as possible.I am darker-skinned/olive complected (Indian ethnicity). This isn't a great way to live, to constantly be worried about my appearance. Yes, people have said rude or very mean comments about it to me if I don't wear makeup, and I wish I could tell them the backhanded compliments aren't compliments!It's frustrating that derms always say "this is hormonal, the cause is hormonal" and never tell me ANYTHING to treat the hormonal cause. I asked my current derm how I could and he laughed and said it's going to be a lifelong struggle for me-- and he's rated the topic melasma treatment provider in my area, hmm! I've gotten lectured from him and his staff for not reapplying SPF makeup often enough, or sunscreen, or not being prepared with sun protection because people are supposed to anticipate unplanned incidental sun exposure.It seems whenever a woman is experiencing hormonal issues or imbalances, doctors don't want to be helpful. I'm jaded after my poor experiences dealing with PCOS, and wish I could find a doctor who could at least help me address the root cause of the melasma. Even if it reduced it by 50% and it never completely went away, that would be an improvement to my current experience. And not some wacky homeopathic treatment (sorry if that offends anyone, I don't trust a lot of that stuff). I want to address the root causes of my health so I can live normally and not freak out over having 5 minutes of unplanned sun exposure, and not spend 10 minutes every morning covering melasma with makeup, worrying about reapplying it later on, and the cost.Am I the only one alone with this struggle? I don't like living this way, and each time I change my thinking about this or think "dare to go bare!" there's always that person who makes an unkind comment and my self esteem tanks lower than the Mariana Trench. https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://ift.tt/2kiGxLx
