Question for the ladies regarding monthly cycle

I see a lot of people mentioning that their cycle became more regular and lighter. I have done 16:8 for about 7 months now with no effect on my (generally heavy) cycle. However this last month I had a very heavy bleed in between periods that lasted 10 days and I had to take norethisterone tablets to stop it. The effects of the tablets have now worn off and I am bleeding heavily again but, at this point I have no idea if that is my regular cycle or not. I am definitely feeling run down and rubbish despite taking spa tone for iron. Also quite moody and tearful which isn't much fun.

I am 40 soon. I have had a scan and all is good in there and I have a cervix exam in a few weeks. I have had pre cancerous cells removed in 2012 (negative for HPV) which was unusual. Last smear was 2016 and came back clear. I am not strictly keto but, I would say I have at the very least, halved my carb intake and I make sure I am getting my protein and nutrients in. Has intermittent fasting caused a hormonal imbalance for anyone? Has intermittent fasting brought on early menopause for anyone? Should I be disclosing the fact that I fast to my doctor?

I see a lot of people mentioning that their cycle became more regular and lighter. I have done 16:8 for about 7 months now with no effect on my (generally heavy) cycle. However this last month I had a very heavy bleed in between periods that lasted 10 days and I had to take norethisterone tablets to stop it. The effects of the tablets have now worn off and I am bleeding heavily again but, at this point I have no idea if that is my regular cycle or not. I am definitely feeling run down and rubbish despite taking spa tone for iron. Also quite moody and tearful which isn't much fun.I am 40 soon. I have had a scan and all is good in there and I have a cervix exam in a few weeks. I have had pre cancerous cells removed in 2012 (negative for HPV) which was unusual. Last smear was 2016 and came back clear. I am not strictly keto but, I would say I have at the very least, halved my carb intake and I make sure I am getting my protein and nutrients in. Has intermittent fasting caused a hormonal imbalance for anyone? Has intermittent fasting brought on early menopause for anyone? Should I be disclosing the fact that I fast to my doctor?
