Major Anxiety after stopping birth control pills!!!

I just want to vent a little bit about my experience getting off the pill. So I thought I’d post it here. Maybe some of you have gone through this and can reassure me there’s hope. I was on birth control pills for 4 years (since age 15) only for the purpose of birth control, no other issues. Well, I decided last month that I wanted to stop using them. I didn’t like the idea that my hormones were synthetic and that I wasn’t having “real” periods. Not to mention no other option was originally offered to me, and had I known about all the side effects/health issues that it could cause I was so mad. I decided on the copper iud (100% hormone free birth control that lasts for 10 years) It sounded amazing. I got it done, it went totally fine. For the first week I felt myself, aside from cramping. It was the end of my last birth control pack and I stopped them right after the placebo week.

Skip forward two weeks and I began having all the symptoms of hormonal imbalance. AND the absolute worst part is my anxiety sky rocketed so badly. I’ve had intrusive thoughts, panic attacks, stomach issues. I’ve woken up anxious every single day for a month since I stopped the pills.

I am trying to be proactive, I made an appointment with a psychiatrist for therapy. Just to get me through the rebalancing phase I’m in. I’m just so pissed that I wasn’t ever informed about the pills side effects and after effects. I feel betrayed. I feel so hopeless. I wake up in the morning with constant worries. Some even very extreme and ridiculous. I am just worried about anything and everything all the time. I had anxiety pretty much always, but it was always manageable and mild. Now it’s just full blown constant racing thoughts and fears and “what if’s”

I just want to feel better. And I want to know that there’s a light at the end of this tunnel. My boyfriend has been incredible and a huge support system for me so that’s been great. I was just hoping anyone who’s gone through something similar could give me some hope that this gets better. I just hope I’m not alone in this experience. I wanted to do something GOOD for my health, and I ended up in a hell situation of hormonal bullshit and anxiety.

Has anyone had this happen? Any tips or advice on how to help the process along?

EDIT: also a few more details - I’ve been off of birth control for about a month and a few days. And I got my iud on May 25th so about the same time.

I just want to vent a little bit about my experience getting off the pill. So I thought I’d post it here. Maybe some of you have gone through this and can reassure me there’s hope. I was on birth control pills for 4 years (since age 15) only for the purpose of birth control, no other issues. Well, I decided last month that I wanted to stop using them. I didn’t like the idea that my hormones were synthetic and that I wasn’t having “real” periods. Not to mention no other option was originally offered to me, and had I known about all the side effects/health issues that it could cause I was so mad. I decided on the copper iud (100% hormone free birth control that lasts for 10 years) It sounded amazing. I got it done, it went totally fine. For the first week I felt myself, aside from cramping. It was the end of my last birth control pack and I stopped them right after the placebo week.Skip forward two weeks and I began having all the symptoms of hormonal imbalance. AND the absolute worst part is my anxiety sky rocketed so badly. I’ve had intrusive thoughts, panic attacks, stomach issues. I’ve woken up anxious every single day for a month since I stopped the pills.I am trying to be proactive, I made an appointment with a psychiatrist for therapy. Just to get me through the rebalancing phase I’m in. I’m just so pissed that I wasn’t ever informed about the pills side effects and after effects. I feel betrayed. I feel so hopeless. I wake up in the morning with constant worries. Some even very extreme and ridiculous. I am just worried about anything and everything all the time. I had anxiety pretty much always, but it was always manageable and mild. Now it’s just full blown constant racing thoughts and fears and “what if’s”I just want to feel better. And I want to know that there’s a light at the end of this tunnel. My boyfriend has been incredible and a huge support system for me so that’s been great. I was just hoping anyone who’s gone through something similar could give me some hope that this gets better. I just hope I’m not alone in this experience. I wanted to do something GOOD for my health, and I ended up in a hell situation of hormonal bullshit and anxiety.Has anyone had this happen? Any tips or advice on how to help the process along?EDIT: also a few more details - I’ve been off of birth control for about a month and a few days. And I got my iud on May 25th so about the same time.
