What made you sure that you wanted to transition?

I will preface this by saying I am assigned and identify as a man. I am extremely empathetic and I would love to hear and understand more about your struggles. I don't personally know any trans people so.... here I am to ask this wonderful community!

When I was young I experienced gender dysphoria and questioned my sexuality constantly(possibly due to trauma at a young age, possibly would have happened anyways). Back then I didnt even know that trans people existed(small town). As I grew older though, all of those feelings went away. Other than being a little bi-curious that is.

Recently a friends child (11yrs old) started asking for hormone treatment, and they are the same age I was when I was questioning my gender/wishing I was a woman. I probably would have asked for the same thing at that age if I knew it was an option. I fully support any adult that wants to transition, but I know if I would have taken the path I wanted at 11 years old, I would regret it today. Due to already having hormone imbalances and extreme health issues, it would have left me significantly worse off today, especially considering I got in touch with my masculinity/came to terms with my trauma and I honestly love being a man now.

For the child in question this seemingly came out of nowhere. According to everyone close with the child there were no signs. I know it is impossible for anyone to really know whats going on in the child's head(in fact this is the first time I've even shared that I experienced those feelings). Thing is, they are asking my opinion on this situations and I dont feel I am educated enough on the topic to give them good advice.

I am lost on what to think here. On the one hand, messing with the hormonal development of any mammal during puberty leads to irreversable and sometimes damaging changes(would have for me at least) later in life. On the other, going through puberty will hamper the effectiveness of treatment for transitioning, which can lead to horrible mental distress and trauma later in life.... Neither of these options are good when the consequences of being wrong on either side are so terrible. :/

Idk what to think here, so back to the title I suppose. What made you SURE that you wanted to transition? What age did you start? What do you think of pre-prepubescent children transitioning? Any suggestions or reading I can look into? Plz halp

I will preface this by saying I am assigned and identify as a man. I am extremely empathetic and I would love to hear and understand more about your struggles. I don't personally know any trans people so.... here I am to ask this wonderful community!When I was young I experienced gender dysphoria and questioned my sexuality constantly(possibly due to trauma at a young age, possibly would have happened anyways). Back then I didnt even know that trans people existed(small town). As I grew older though, all of those feelings went away. Other than being a little bi-curious that is.Recently a friends child (11yrs old) started asking for hormone treatment, and they are the same age I was when I was questioning my gender/wishing I was a woman. I probably would have asked for the same thing at that age if I knew it was an option. I fully support any adult that wants to transition, but I know if I would have taken the path I wanted at 11 years old, I would regret it today. Due to already having hormone imbalances and extreme health issues, it would have left me significantly worse off today, especially considering I got in touch with my masculinity/came to terms with my trauma and I honestly love being a man now.For the child in question this seemingly came out of nowhere. According to everyone close with the child there were no signs. I know it is impossible for anyone to really know whats going on in the child's head(in fact this is the first time I've even shared that I experienced those feelings). Thing is, they are asking my opinion on this situations and I dont feel I am educated enough on the topic to give them good advice.I am lost on what to think here. On the one hand, messing with the hormonal development of any mammal during puberty leads to irreversable and sometimes damaging changes(would have for me at least) later in life. On the other, going through puberty will hamper the effectiveness of treatment for transitioning, which can lead to horrible mental distress and trauma later in life.... Neither of these options are good when the consequences of being wrong on either side are so terrible. :/Idk what to think here, so back to the title I suppose. What made you SURE that you wanted to transition? What age did you start? What do you think of pre-prepubescent children transitioning? Any suggestions or reading I can look into? Plz halp https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://ift.tt/2KrtINF
