Male, 23, 5 foot 10 inches 240 pounds, circumcised. Everytime me and the wife have sex my penis immidetly burns and itches HORRIBLY. I begin developing small, raised, red bumps on my head. I have eczema and do occasionally get it on my genitals, however, it has been controlled very well. I'm so lost as something like this happened years ago with an ex GF. However, this times it's a harsher reaction. It's been EVERYTIME I penetrate her, it will Instantly burn and itch to the point I have to stop. She uses all of my hypoallergenic soaps and detergents so I don't understand. Please helps ASKDOCS EDIT: neither wife nor I have STDs we've been checked to be sure. My wife has had some slight issues with hormonal imbalance but since this has happened with another long term relation ship (we also got tested) I'm beginning to feel like it's me. We've been I'm thus far so I don't understand . I've been to every specialist regarding skin or penis and none of them have any idea what to say other than, "maybe you're allergic to her"

Male, 23, 5 foot 10 inches 240 pounds, circumcised. Everytime me and the wife have sex my penis immidetly burns and itches HORRIBLY. I begin developing small, raised, red bumps on my head. I have eczema and do occasionally get it on my genitals, however, it has been controlled very well. I'm so lost as something like this happened years ago with an ex GF. However, this times it's a harsher reaction. It's been EVERYTIME I penetrate her, it will Instantly burn and itch to the point I have to stop. She uses all of my hypoallergenic soaps and detergents so I don't understand. Please helps ASKDOCS EDIT: neither wife nor I have STDs we've been checked to be sure. My wife has had some slight issues with hormonal imbalance but since this has happened with another long term relation ship (we also got tested) I'm beginning to feel like it's me. We've been I'm thus far so I don't understand . I've been to every specialist regarding skin or penis and none of them have any idea what to say other than, "maybe you're allergic to her"
