My experience with PCO(S)

Hi everyone,

I wanted to share my experience with the hopes that it might be helpful to some of you. This may be alittle long but I want to try and be as detailed as possible.

I've been dealing with ovarian cysts and polycystic ovaries for the last 2 1/2 years. In the beginning when I first started noticing something was off I was working at a really stressful job, not eating or sleeping well, and I had been a pretty strict vegetarian for 10 years. I started having pain in my pelvic area (later found out it was due to a cyst rupture). I saw my OBGYN who found larger cysts on both ovaries as well as the typical PCOS-type cysts you may see. I do realize that this alone doesn't necessarily mean that I have PCOS. Additionally, I didn't really have any other of the physical symptoms, aside from lethargy. I wound up eventually going to an integrative medicine doctor who also happened to be a GYN. My blood work showed that I was a bit anemic, deficient in a few key vitamins/minerals, and I was slightly estrogen-dominant. I was put on an autoimmune paleo style diet and was given relevant supplements.

In the following months I stuck really closely to the diet. I also quit my job which helped relieve a lot of my stress. I started to feel much, much better overall. I checked up on the cysts every ~6 months or so (not with the integrative doctor since my insurance doesn't cover it) and they were always consistently there. Then, about a year ago, I went off the diet and basically allowed myself to eat whatever I wanted since I was feeling better. I gradually noticed an intense pressure in my pelvic area. After getting an ultrasound, they discovered an 8cm hemorrhagic cyst (in addition to still having polycystic ovaries). Needless to say, it really freaked me out. I immediately went back on the diet and, as a last ditch effort, decided to give acupuncture a try. After 5 weeks of diet and 1x/week acupuncture I went back for a check-up. The cyst had shrunk from 8cm to just 1.5 cm and my ovaries were no longer polycystic for the first time in ~2 1/2 years.

Now, I do realize that I don't necessarily have PCOS, but I did have a hormonal imbalance (among other things) that was causing these cysts. I also know that some people will say that these things come and go and the diet/acupuncture are totally unrelated to my ovaries and hormones all being back to normal. Still, I thought I would share my story, because I do feel 110% better and I will probably continue on this path of acupuncture and diet. I know everyone's case is different but I thought I'd share mine.

Hi everyone,I wanted to share my experience with the hopes that it might be helpful to some of you. This may be alittle long but I want to try and be as detailed as possible.I've been dealing with ovarian cysts and polycystic ovaries for the last 2 1/2 years. In the beginning when I first started noticing something was off I was working at a really stressful job, not eating or sleeping well, and I had been a pretty strict vegetarian for 10 years. I started having pain in my pelvic area (later found out it was due to a cyst rupture). I saw my OBGYN who found larger cysts on both ovaries as well as the typical PCOS-type cysts you may see. I do realize that this alone doesn't necessarily mean that I have PCOS. Additionally, I didn't really have any other of the physical symptoms, aside from lethargy. I wound up eventually going to an integrative medicine doctor who also happened to be a GYN. My blood work showed that I was a bit anemic, deficient in a few key vitamins/minerals, and I was slightly estrogen-dominant. I was put on an autoimmune paleo style diet and was given relevant supplements.In the following months I stuck really closely to the diet. I also quit my job which helped relieve a lot of my stress. I started to feel much, much better overall. I checked up on the cysts every ~6 months or so (not with the integrative doctor since my insurance doesn't cover it) and they were always consistently there. Then, about a year ago, I went off the diet and basically allowed myself to eat whatever I wanted since I was feeling better. I gradually noticed an intense pressure in my pelvic area. After getting an ultrasound, they discovered an 8cm hemorrhagic cyst (in addition to still having polycystic ovaries). Needless to say, it really freaked me out. I immediately went back on the diet and, as a last ditch effort, decided to give acupuncture a try. After 5 weeks of diet and 1x/week acupuncture I went back for a check-up. The cyst had shrunk from 8cm to just 1.5 cm and my ovaries were no longer polycystic for the first time in ~2 1/2 years.Now, I do realize that I don't necessarily have PCOS, but I did have a hormonal imbalance (among other things) that was causing these cysts. I also know that some people will say that these things come and go and the diet/acupuncture are totally unrelated to my ovaries and hormones all being back to normal. Still, I thought I would share my story, because I do feel 110% better and I will probably continue on this path of acupuncture and diet. I know everyone's case is different but I thought I'd share mine.
