[Product Question] Anyone who has successfully used spironolactone/aldactone--did you ever stop using it? Did the acne come back in full force?

So after a couple of years of Retin-A Micro working perfectly, my skin started getting irritated by it and I got a ton of CCs on my jaw and cheeks (which I attributed to new products I was using). Flash forward six months and my dermatologist tells me it's probably hormonal, given the location and late onset (I'm 27). My doctor warned me and I've read up on all the possible side effects, and I'm keeping an eye out for all of them. I've been taking it for about 5 days, and aside from some GI issues the first day and more thirst than usual, I haven't noticed anything.

I know it can take months to work, and I'm being patient. But I'm curious if what my doctor said is true--that you have to keep using it indefinitely for it to keep working. Has anyone successfully used it for a year or so, gone off it, and found their acne was kept at bay? Or did it come back within a year or 6 months exactly as it was before?

So after a couple of years of Retin-A Micro working perfectly, my skin started getting irritated by it and I got a ton of CCs on my jaw and cheeks (which I attributed to new products I was using). Flash forward six months and my dermatologist tells me it's probably hormonal, given the location and late onset (I'm 27). My doctor warned me and I've read up on all the possible side effects, and I'm keeping an eye out for all of them. I've been taking it for about 5 days, and aside from some GI issues the first day and more thirst than usual, I haven't noticed anything.I know it can take months to work, and I'm being patient. But I'm curious if what my doctor said is true--that you have to keep using it indefinitely for it to keep working. Has anyone successfully used it for a year or so, gone off it, and found their acne was kept at bay? Or did it come back within a year or 6 months exactly as it was before? https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://ift.tt/2ApLjSn
