asexuality/aromantism isnt real

to put it simply, every ace/aro ive ever met is typical a depressed/transgender teenager, who has a hard time seeing themselves in a sexual/romantic place because of their self loathing/dysphoria. someone with autism who doesnt understand relationships well. mentally ill in some way. a fucking child. traumatized. i think that not experiencing sexual/romantic attraction indicates some sort of hormonal imbalance or lack of self confidence.

edit: im sorry if im amking a lot of typos im having a hard night medically. i dont think all asexuals are invalid and im not going to try to tell anyone to stop identifying as asexual.

to put it simply, every ace/aro ive ever met is typical a depressed/transgender teenager, who has a hard time seeing themselves in a sexual/romantic place because of their self loathing/dysphoria. someone with autism who doesnt understand relationships well. mentally ill in some way. a fucking child. traumatized. i think that not experiencing sexual/romantic attraction indicates some sort of hormonal imbalance or lack of self confidence.edit: im sorry if im amking a lot of typos im having a hard night medically. i dont think all asexuals are invalid and im not going to try to tell anyone to stop identifying as asexual.
