Thinking about going vegan, but questions about health and family

I really want to go vegan for lots of reasons, animal rights, environmentalism, and health to name a few. However, I have a question about the health aspect.

Long story short, a few years ago I was in a pretty deep depression caused by a hormonal imbalance. I had almost zero testosterone, vitamin d, dhea, or progesterone. My doctor recommended a few things (going outside more, getting exercise, taking suppliments, etc.) but she also recommended eating at least 2oz. of meat at every meal. (Edit to add: I did ask my doctor if she meant meat or just protein, and she said meat.)

I did my best to follow her advice, and five years later I'm doing so much better. Trouble is, I've always been very open with my parents, and my mother in particular knows about my doctor's recommendations. She even asked me last week if I've been eating enough meat.

I'm 23 and technically an independent adult, but I rent an apartment from my parents that's attached to their house so they are still very much a part of my life. My whole family still gets together for sunday dinners, so if I go vegan the subject will come up very quickly.

Sorry for the long post, but my questions are 1) will it actually be safe for me to go on a vegan diet since according to my doctor meat is part of what's keeping my hormones balanced, and 2) how do I explain to my mom that I will be ok?

I really want to go vegan for lots of reasons, animal rights, environmentalism, and health to name a few. However, I have a question about the health aspect.Long story short, a few years ago I was in a pretty deep depression caused by a hormonal imbalance. I had almost zero testosterone, vitamin d, dhea, or progesterone. My doctor recommended a few things (going outside more, getting exercise, taking suppliments, etc.) but she also recommended eating at least 2oz. of meat at every meal. (Edit to add: I did ask my doctor if she meant meat or just protein, and she said meat.)I did my best to follow her advice, and five years later I'm doing so much better. Trouble is, I've always been very open with my parents, and my mother in particular knows about my doctor's recommendations. She even asked me last week if I've been eating enough meat.I'm 23 and technically an independent adult, but I rent an apartment from my parents that's attached to their house so they are still very much a part of my life. My whole family still gets together for sunday dinners, so if I go vegan the subject will come up very quickly.Sorry for the long post, but my questions are 1) will it actually be safe for me to go on a vegan diet since according to my doctor meat is part of what's keeping my hormones balanced, and 2) how do I explain to my mom that I will be ok?
