After 3 years, I'm finally free from my own uterus and I feel so happy

I just wanted to talk to someone about my story, besides my mom and boyfriend, I'm just elated about this whole thing!! I dont know, I just want others to know this story...OK here it goes:

3 years ago, I missed my period for 3 months. After that, I had the nightmare that I called "reverse periods". Instead of bleeding my usual 7-8 days a month, I'd bleed every day of the month and have a 5-7 day break in between periods. I told my mom, who flip flops often about how she feels about doctors (think anti-vaxxer type of "dont put those bs chemicals in your body", but I still get all required vaccines for school) and she would usually shrug it off as no big deal because she also dealt with heavy periods so whatever. Every month I would ask her to take me to the doctors, and she finally gave up and said that we couldn't afford to. I believe it, we're just about 1 or 2k above the poverty line where we live and we're American, so that should be enough to figure out medical care costs. After a few months, it was just routine to not be afraid that I was bleeding so much and to wear a pad 24/7.

However, over time my periods became even less stable so I would go anywhere from 2 days to 3 weeks between periods that lasted 14 to 90+ days. I used a period tracking app, and if you take into account that some days would just be spotting then have immediate blood flow the next day, one of my periods lasted 134 days!

Well, after 2 years of buying pads in bulk twice a month, we finally had enough money saved to take me to the doctors. But of course, I can't just go to the gyno yet. I can't actually use my insurance for a trip to the gyno. You see, at this point I'm 17, and my crappy medical insurance did not have any local doctors available. The nearest ones were at least 1 1/2 hours away. Ok, whatever, we'll deal with that. After 3 days of calling my insurance company and clinics that were supposed to be covered by my insurance as per their website, it turned out that none of those clinics accepted my insurance because "you're a minor, we cannot help you with your 'kid's plan' insurance" even though both parties' websites specifically stated that my age did not matter.

Whatever. Guess I'll wait a few months for my birthday. Ah, but what else? I have been working as a contracted employee for about a year by now, and now that I'm 18 I've decided to become an employee of my actual workplace which would grant me medical benefits and take taxes out of my paychecks. Hooray! Buuuuuuutttttttt...

I need to be an employee for at least 90 days before I get my benefits. Ok great. 3 more months go by...

I have insurance! Ah, but alas, my mother wants to take me to meet my general doctor first. I haven't had one since I was like, 10, so I guessed it might be important. After scheduling it, we meet my doctor a week later. She determines that the best things to do are: 1. Get a blood test, I might be anemic (spoiler alert, I was) 2. Test for everything a gyno would check for, such as thyroid issues and other hormonal imbalances (everything was just peachy here, no issues)

So about 2 months pass because appointment schedules were very far off and it took about 3 weeks to even get an appointment with my doctor, she approves some stuff and all we need to do next is find a gyno.

For some reason my mom was very aloof about it afterwards, like as if my period was suddenly normal. After crying to her face about it for the 2nd time (side note, I'm not really close with her so I absolutely hate crying in front of her because I would not expect much or any comfort from her) we finally booked an appointment. I'm now on birth control!

It was amazing, for only $25 a month I could forget what it's like to feel a pad between my legs, I've almost completely forgotten the feeling...

Then 2 weeks after starting, I had the worst cramps in my life and would have extremely heavy bleeding every 5 hours for about 4-6 hours. Luckily I had leftover iron pills from when I was anemic, cause after day 1 I felt very fatigued. Days pass and I still take my hormone pills, and I still keep unleashing literal bloody hell. Now, I've birthed large blood cloths before, usually bigger than a quarter, with the somewhat uncommon goliath that was the entire length of my thumb, but one time I thought half of my uterus fell out. Ever seen a size 3 Always Infinity pad? I passed a clot that was about 2/3 the size of that. Holy shit I remembered what it was like to be afraid of period blood. But when that happened it was 3am and my mom was asleep so not much could be done at that time. I decided to snap a pic to show my mom later in case she again ignored my pleads to see a doctor and went back to bed.

I work night shift and my mom works in the day, so it took about 3 days later until we could finally talk about it when she picked me up from work. She already knows my period started, but she isnt aware of how severe it is. I tell her I need to see the doctor because I'm scared. She says "just wait bleeding is normal" and, I'm usually not confrontational but at this point I am pissed and scared so while at an empty stop, I pull up the picture and shove it in her face saying "THIS ISN'T NORMAL!". She looks shocked. Legitimately concerned. I swear she turned somewhat pale in the moment she just looked in silence. Then she angrily goes "WHAT THE FUCK, DONT PULL THAT SHIT ON ME YOU KNOW I HAD A MISCARRIAGE THAT LOOKS LIKE A FUCKING MISCARRIAGE". I quickly pull my phone back and realize she's right. I forgot about it, but I remember being told once years ago that I wouldv'e been a younger sister.

Luckily, giving my mother a brief moment of PTSD was enough to make her crack and take me to the doctor the next week. My gyno tried to calmly explain "yes it is normal, it may look scary but you probably just had a lot of build up in your uterus and the pills are getting rid of everything". She also tried her best to say "if you ever experience that much blood loss please go to the hospital" without adding, "ya fuckin dumbass". My mother and I were still concerned though, so we asked for a higher dosage. I was prescribed with Estarylla and we went on our merry way.

$0 (because theyre fully covered by insurance!!!) and 23 days later, I am on day 2 of the placebo pills and...I'm not even spotting! Of course, I'm still expecting to wake up with new stains any day now, but the amount of relief I feel from just...not feeling dirty. Not feeling like I don't know what's happening to me, to feel normal again makes me feel so relieved. I was scared to take the pills because of what my mom and others against it have said, but aside from a bit of chest pain, I finally feel like I have my body back.

Plus hey as a teen it means I can have a backup instead of only condoms 👉😎👉

TL;DR Imagine having a period that won't stop for more than a week or two and you need to wait 3 years to fix it with a blue pill because u poor and ur mom dont care. Literally my life tho. But its fixed and I'm happy.

I just wanted to talk to someone about my story, besides my mom and boyfriend, I'm just elated about this whole thing!! I dont know, I just want others to know this story...OK here it goes:3 years ago, I missed my period for 3 months. After that, I had the nightmare that I called "reverse periods". Instead of bleeding my usual 7-8 days a month, I'd bleed every day of the month and have a 5-7 day break in between periods. I told my mom, who flip flops often about how she feels about doctors (think anti-vaxxer type of "dont put those bs chemicals in your body", but I still get all required vaccines for school) and she would usually shrug it off as no big deal because she also dealt with heavy periods so whatever. Every month I would ask her to take me to the doctors, and she finally gave up and said that we couldn't afford to. I believe it, we're just about 1 or 2k above the poverty line where we live and we're American, so that should be enough to figure out medical care costs. After a few months, it was just routine to not be afraid that I was bleeding so much and to wear a pad 24/7.However, over time my periods became even less stable so I would go anywhere from 2 days to 3 weeks between periods that lasted 14 to 90+ days. I used a period tracking app, and if you take into account that some days would just be spotting then have immediate blood flow the next day, one of my periods lasted 134 days!Well, after 2 years of buying pads in bulk twice a month, we finally had enough money saved to take me to the doctors. But of course, I can't just go to the gyno yet. I can't actually use my insurance for a trip to the gyno. You see, at this point I'm 17, and my crappy medical insurance did not have any local doctors available. The nearest ones were at least 1 1/2 hours away. Ok, whatever, we'll deal with that. After 3 days of calling my insurance company and clinics that were supposed to be covered by my insurance as per their website, it turned out that none of those clinics accepted my insurance because "you're a minor, we cannot help you with your 'kid's plan' insurance" even though both parties' websites specifically stated that my age did not matter.Whatever. Guess I'll wait a few months for my birthday. Ah, but what else? I have been working as a contracted employee for about a year by now, and now that I'm 18 I've decided to become an employee of my actual workplace which would grant me medical benefits and take taxes out of my paychecks. Hooray! Buuuuuuutttttttt...I need to be an employee for at least 90 days before I get my benefits. Ok great. 3 more months go by...I have insurance! Ah, but alas, my mother wants to take me to meet my general doctor first. I haven't had one since I was like, 10, so I guessed it might be important. After scheduling it, we meet my doctor a week later. She determines that the best things to do are: 1. Get a blood test, I might be anemic (spoiler alert, I was) 2. Test for everything a gyno would check for, such as thyroid issues and other hormonal imbalances (everything was just peachy here, no issues)So about 2 months pass because appointment schedules were very far off and it took about 3 weeks to even get an appointment with my doctor, she approves some stuff and all we need to do next is find a gyno.For some reason my mom was very aloof about it afterwards, like as if my period was suddenly normal. After crying to her face about it for the 2nd time (side note, I'm not really close with her so I absolutely hate crying in front of her because I would not expect much or any comfort from her) we finally booked an appointment. I'm now on birth control!It was amazing, for only $25 a month I could forget what it's like to feel a pad between my legs, I've almost completely forgotten the feeling...Then 2 weeks after starting, I had the worst cramps in my life and would have extremely heavy bleeding every 5 hours for about 4-6 hours. Luckily I had leftover iron pills from when I was anemic, cause after day 1 I felt very fatigued. Days pass and I still take my hormone pills, and I still keep unleashing literal bloody hell. Now, I've birthed large blood cloths before, usually bigger than a quarter, with the somewhat uncommon goliath that was the entire length of my thumb, but one time I thought half of my uterus fell out. Ever seen a size 3 Always Infinity pad? I passed a clot that was about 2/3 the size of that. Holy shit I remembered what it was like to be afraid of period blood. But when that happened it was 3am and my mom was asleep so not much could be done at that time. I decided to snap a pic to show my mom later in case she again ignored my pleads to see a doctor and went back to bed.I work night shift and my mom works in the day, so it took about 3 days later until we could finally talk about it when she picked me up from work. She already knows my period started, but she isnt aware of how severe it is. I tell her I need to see the doctor because I'm scared. She says "just wait bleeding is normal" and, I'm usually not confrontational but at this point I am pissed and scared so while at an empty stop, I pull up the picture and shove it in her face saying "THIS ISN'T NORMAL!". She looks shocked. Legitimately concerned. I swear she turned somewhat pale in the moment she just looked in silence. Then she angrily goes "WHAT THE FUCK, DONT PULL THAT SHIT ON ME YOU KNOW I HAD A MISCARRIAGE THAT LOOKS LIKE A FUCKING MISCARRIAGE". I quickly pull my phone back and realize she's right. I forgot about it, but I remember being told once years ago that I wouldv'e been a younger sister.Luckily, giving my mother a brief moment of PTSD was enough to make her crack and take me to the doctor the next week. My gyno tried to calmly explain "yes it is normal, it may look scary but you probably just had a lot of build up in your uterus and the pills are getting rid of everything". She also tried her best to say "if you ever experience that much blood loss please go to the hospital" without adding, "ya fuckin dumbass". My mother and I were still concerned though, so we asked for a higher dosage. I was prescribed with Estarylla and we went on our merry way.$0 (because theyre fully covered by insurance!!!) and 23 days later, I am on day 2 of the placebo pills and...I'm not even spotting! Of course, I'm still expecting to wake up with new stains any day now, but the amount of relief I feel from just...not feeling dirty. Not feeling like I don't know what's happening to me, to feel normal again makes me feel so relieved. I was scared to take the pills because of what my mom and others against it have said, but aside from a bit of chest pain, I finally feel like I have my body back.Plus hey as a teen it means I can have a backup instead of only condoms 👉😎👉TL;DR Imagine having a period that won't stop for more than a week or two and you need to wait 3 years to fix it with a blue pill because u poor and ur mom dont care. Literally my life tho. But its fixed and I'm happy.
