Tips/tricks/advice for living with anxiety

Hey everyone,

I've never posted on this subreddit before, but I've been reading about many of your stories/struggles and I felt compelled to post this. I'm a young adult F, and I've struggled with anxiety my entire life. However, over the past few years, after constant practice and taking care of myself, I feel like I've come out of it. It still pops up from time to time, but it is a lot more manageable. Overall, I feel like my life has purpose, joy, and is incredibly full. I want to share tips I learned over time (based on my own experience and from people I know who suffer from mild to severe anxiety) that helped us get over/cope with our anxiety.

  • Start a morning routine, something that gets you out of bed. I like to make my bed, drink a full glass of water, and practice yoga. Yours can be even more simple. Just make sure you are getting out of bed.
  • Have you ever heard of the term "neuroplasticity"? It is the brain's ability to create new neural pathways throughout life. In other words, you have the ability to rewire your brain. Even if you have a chemical or hormonal imbalance (like me), it is possible to train your brain to think positively and remove anxiety. It is really, really hard work, and you have to continually practice at it, but it is so worth it. I started my process by making a list every day of things I was grateful for. Then I'd go outside and take note of all the beautiful things I saw. And then I started getting into changing my frame of mind. Whenever I'd feel an anxious thought or feeling arise, I'd tell myself that it wasn't real, there was no reason to worry, and that I had control over my thoughts. Like I said before, it takes a LOT of practice, but it is possible.
  • Take up exercising. I'm a big fan of yoga (and the YouTube channel Yoga with Adriene) because it is an exercise you can do no matter what your experience/fitness level, and it connects mind and body. But running, biking, hiking, or simply taking a walk outside can also be great at getting you out of your head.
  • Eat healthy foods. Even if you are not hungry, make sure you eat at least three full meals a day and try to incorporate healthier foods in your diet. Stay away from sweets for a while (this is super hard for me, but it helps bring up my energy). Also, drink a lot of water. I suggest buying a reusable water bottle and keep it with you at all times so that you're constantly reminded to drink water!
  • Get plenty of sleep. If you struggle with insomnia, there are a lot of apps you can get that help you fall asleep. If you keep trying different techniques and are still having trouble, see a doctor. You need your sleep.
  • When you are at your really low points, fill yourself up with things that make you feel good. Avoid dark/scary movies, books, and tv shows. Watch a feel-good movie, read an inspirational book, or take a walk. Try not to get in the habit of napping it off. And definitely stay away from looking up the things that make you anxious.
  • Join a support group (this subreddit counts)! Surround yourself with people who exude joy and who love you. Don't be afraid to lean on them when you are really struggling. They love you, and they want what's best for you. It is not a sign of weakness to seek help, but a sign of great strength. Also, there are a variety of other resources out there for people with anxiety. When I was really struggling, I bought the Linden Method Program, and it helped me a lot.
  • Seek professional help. Find a therapist that you really connect with, and who really understands your struggles. They will be your champion and will give you tips and advice that are specific to your anxieties.

I hope this helps or resonates with you. I really want you all to find joy and happiness and hope, and to know that it's possible, no matter how deeply you're struggling. Try as many of these as you'd like until you find something that starts to stick. Hold yourself accountable for your own wellbeing, because as far as we know, we only get this one life, and you deserve to throw yourself into it. Sending love to all of you. Be proud of yourself for wanting to feel better, for reaching out, and for simply getting up every day.

Hey everyone,I've never posted on this subreddit before, but I've been reading about many of your stories/struggles and I felt compelled to post this. I'm a young adult F, and I've struggled with anxiety my entire life. However, over the past few years, after constant practice and taking care of myself, I feel like I've come out of it. It still pops up from time to time, but it is a lot more manageable. Overall, I feel like my life has purpose, joy, and is incredibly full. I want to share tips I learned over time (based on my own experience and from people I know who suffer from mild to severe anxiety) that helped us get over/cope with our anxiety.Start a morning routine, something that gets you out of bed. I like to make my bed, drink a full glass of water, and practice yoga. Yours can be even more simple. Just make sure you are getting out of bed.Have you ever heard of the term "neuroplasticity"? It is the brain's ability to create new neural pathways throughout life. In other words, you have the ability to rewire your brain. Even if you have a chemical or hormonal imbalance (like me), it is possible to train your brain to think positively and remove anxiety. It is really, really hard work, and you have to continually practice at it, but it is so worth it. I started my process by making a list every day of things I was grateful for. Then I'd go outside and take note of all the beautiful things I saw. And then I started getting into changing my frame of mind. Whenever I'd feel an anxious thought or feeling arise, I'd tell myself that it wasn't real, there was no reason to worry, and that I had control over my thoughts. Like I said before, it takes a LOT of practice, but it is possible.Take up exercising. I'm a big fan of yoga (and the YouTube channel Yoga with Adriene) because it is an exercise you can do no matter what your experience/fitness level, and it connects mind and body. But running, biking, hiking, or simply taking a walk outside can also be great at getting you out of your head.Eat healthy foods. Even if you are not hungry, make sure you eat at least three full meals a day and try to incorporate healthier foods in your diet. Stay away from sweets for a while (this is super hard for me, but it helps bring up my energy). Also, drink a lot of water. I suggest buying a reusable water bottle and keep it with you at all times so that you're constantly reminded to drink water!Get plenty of sleep. If you struggle with insomnia, there are a lot of apps you can get that help you fall asleep. If you keep trying different techniques and are still having trouble, see a doctor. You need your sleep.When you are at your really low points, fill yourself up with things that make you feel good. Avoid dark/scary movies, books, and tv shows. Watch a feel-good movie, read an inspirational book, or take a walk. Try not to get in the habit of napping it off. And definitely stay away from looking up the things that make you anxious.Join a support group (this subreddit counts)! Surround yourself with people who exude joy and who love you. Don't be afraid to lean on them when you are really struggling. They love you, and they want what's best for you. It is not a sign of weakness to seek help, but a sign of great strength. Also, there are a variety of other resources out there for people with anxiety. When I was really struggling, I bought the Linden Method Program, and it helped me a lot.Seek professional help. Find a therapist that you really connect with, and who really understands your struggles. They will be your champion and will give you tips and advice that are specific to your anxieties.I hope this helps or resonates with you. I really want you all to find joy and happiness and hope, and to know that it's possible, no matter how deeply you're struggling. Try as many of these as you'd like until you find something that starts to stick. Hold yourself accountable for your own wellbeing, because as far as we know, we only get this one life, and you deserve to throw yourself into it. Sending love to all of you. Be proud of yourself for wanting to feel better, for reaching out, and for simply getting up every day.
