Depression/low sex drive/lust for life

I need help. I need to know if anyone else has gone through this.

I'm a 29 y/o male. I've been severely depressed for going on 2 weeks now following a panic attack. My fiancee and I have been together for going on 7 years. We've had an amazing sex life, and I'm crazy in love with her. (Which is why I asked her to marry me).I used to be able to have sex twice a day sometimes. Life was truly amazing for me up until this panic attack. I've been extremely depressed since, and had almost no sex drive. Nothing excites me anymore, I have no desire to do things I loved, and nothing feels right. I have a lot of anxiety now, and find myself pacing around all day long trapped in my thoughts.

At first I thought that I might have realized I was bi, or even gay. Seemed crazy to me, since I'm 29, and have only been interested sexually in women my whole life. But for a while, it plagued my thoughts. After thinking on that for a long time I ruled that out, though.

I have been seeing a therapist for the past two weeks as well, and I think it's been helping a lot. However I can't get things to snap back to normal.

However, some days are better than others. Whenever I manage to ground myself in reality, I feel a lot better. It's when I let the depression and anxiety build up and consume my thoughts with "what ifs" that I start to spiral.

I think I may have low testosterone, or some kind of hormonal or chemical imbalance,and have an appointment to get it tested. I've done some research and have almost every symptom, but it's possible it's just something psychological.

Has anyone else had a similar experience to this? I need help.

I need help. I need to know if anyone else has gone through this.I'm a 29 y/o male. I've been severely depressed for going on 2 weeks now following a panic attack. My fiancee and I have been together for going on 7 years. We've had an amazing sex life, and I'm crazy in love with her. (Which is why I asked her to marry me).I used to be able to have sex twice a day sometimes. Life was truly amazing for me up until this panic attack. I've been extremely depressed since, and had almost no sex drive. Nothing excites me anymore, I have no desire to do things I loved, and nothing feels right. I have a lot of anxiety now, and find myself pacing around all day long trapped in my thoughts.At first I thought that I might have realized I was bi, or even gay. Seemed crazy to me, since I'm 29, and have only been interested sexually in women my whole life. But for a while, it plagued my thoughts. After thinking on that for a long time I ruled that out, though.I have been seeing a therapist for the past two weeks as well, and I think it's been helping a lot. However I can't get things to snap back to normal.However, some days are better than others. Whenever I manage to ground myself in reality, I feel a lot better. It's when I let the depression and anxiety build up and consume my thoughts with "what ifs" that I start to spiral.I think I may have low testosterone, or some kind of hormonal or chemical imbalance,and have an appointment to get it tested. I've done some research and have almost every symptom, but it's possible it's just something psychological.Has anyone else had a similar experience to this? I need help.
