Earliest Age That Finasteride Makes Sense

I am 25, and I stayed away from finasteride for a long time. I didn't even acknowledge that I cared about/wanted to address my very evident receding until I was 21. It really started to pick up, then, but pictures of me show that I had been receding since I was as young as 15.

My hair loss just got so aggressive. I had lots of psychiatric and life issues for long periods of time, which undoubtedly contributed to stress and hormonal imbalance, and thus the aggressive hair loss. I started taking lexapro for that.

I am a NW5, now.

I began finasteride only November a year ago, when I was 24. No issues at all. Everything I was warned about was not at all a problem.

This being so, how young would you guys say males could healthily begin this drug? I am just one person, and of course I do lift a lot of weights, eat healthy, and take zinc, so maybe that contributes to my retained sex drive.

But realistically, could a 17 year old start taking this drug if they were receding? If not, why?

I do have a neighbor who has a son that age and he is receding. I am also curious because it does scaremonger a lot of people from starting.

I am 25, and I stayed away from finasteride for a long time. I didn't even acknowledge that I cared about/wanted to address my very evident receding until I was 21. It really started to pick up, then, but pictures of me show that I had been receding since I was as young as 15.​My hair loss just got so aggressive. I had lots of psychiatric and life issues for long periods of time, which undoubtedly contributed to stress and hormonal imbalance, and thus the aggressive hair loss. I started taking lexapro for that.​I am a NW5, now.​I began finasteride only November a year ago, when I was 24. No issues at all. Everything I was warned about was not at all a problem.​This being so, how young would you guys say males could healthily begin this drug? I am just one person, and of course I do lift a lot of weights, eat healthy, and take zinc, so maybe that contributes to my retained sex drive.​But realistically, could a 17 year old start taking this drug if they were receding? If not, why?​I do have a neighbor who has a son that age and he is receding. I am also curious because it does scaremonger a lot of people from starting. https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://ift.tt/2OSm6qp
