EDS and birth control?

I've seen a lot of things about birth control making EDS symptoms worse. I'm seeing a geneticist in two weeks, but so far my rheumatologist, neurologist, diagnostician and two great orthopedists who work with EDS patients are all fairly certain I have EDS. Both orthopedists said I have a very severe case, at least as far as my joints go. We're thinking hEDS but we'll find out at genetics I guess.

My right kneecap comes out of place 20 times a day if I don't wear my new brace, and still comes out about 5 times then. My shoulders dislocate a couple times a week. I have 6 ribs that come out of place, usually happens at least once or twice a day. I've subluxated joints in my toes and I've repeatedly torn cartilage in both my hips, not to mention countless ridiculous injuries. I've been steadily getting worse for about a year.

I'm currently on the Nexplanon implant and I've had it for about 6 months. It definitely did not start my downward spiral so I'm not certain it's the problem, and I haven't noticed anything deteriorating faster since I got it. I'd love to learn more if anyone has some good resources or personal experiences though.

I absolutely have to be on birth control, my life is unbearable if I'm not. I had extremely heavy bleeding, hormonal imbalances on and off leading to two 7 day periods a month, bad PMS, and cramps that were absolute agony and have literally made me fall to the ground unable to move. I also had recurring anemia from the bleeding. I have chronic migraines and before I went on Nexplanon, I started having hormonal migraines. I would get a migraine every day for a week before my period, the entire week of, and about a week either. I wasn't able to function at all.

Within two days of going on Nexplanon the hormonal migraines stopped and I've had no issues with it as far as I can tell, it's been perfect. My doctors didn't want me to take anything with estrogen because of my migraines. I also don't feel like myself with pills containing estrogen. My problems with my periods started when I was 13 (started having periods around when I turned 12) and so I've been on and off birth control pills since then. I only had a doctor that actually cared about diagnosing or finding the problem last year and she found I had somewhat elevated testosterone--but as my symptoms return gradually after a long period of being on the pill, they weren't in full swing. She suspected PCOS but we didn't really confirm anything or do more than blood tests.

I really don't want to stop Nexplanon because it's worked like a dream and I feel better overall on it than I have with my natural disaster of a cycle or with any pills, but I'm also generally just terrified of how my EDS is going downhill. No doctors have mentioned this to me yet so I don't know a lot about how it can affect EDS.

I've seen a lot of things about birth control making EDS symptoms worse. I'm seeing a geneticist in two weeks, but so far my rheumatologist, neurologist, diagnostician and two great orthopedists who work with EDS patients are all fairly certain I have EDS. Both orthopedists said I have a very severe case, at least as far as my joints go. We're thinking hEDS but we'll find out at genetics I guess.My right kneecap comes out of place 20 times a day if I don't wear my new brace, and still comes out about 5 times then. My shoulders dislocate a couple times a week. I have 6 ribs that come out of place, usually happens at least once or twice a day. I've subluxated joints in my toes and I've repeatedly torn cartilage in both my hips, not to mention countless ridiculous injuries. I've been steadily getting worse for about a year.I'm currently on the Nexplanon implant and I've had it for about 6 months. It definitely did not start my downward spiral so I'm not certain it's the problem, and I haven't noticed anything deteriorating faster since I got it. I'd love to learn more if anyone has some good resources or personal experiences though.I absolutely have to be on birth control, my life is unbearable if I'm not. I had extremely heavy bleeding, hormonal imbalances on and off leading to two 7 day periods a month, bad PMS, and cramps that were absolute agony and have literally made me fall to the ground unable to move. I also had recurring anemia from the bleeding. I have chronic migraines and before I went on Nexplanon, I started having hormonal migraines. I would get a migraine every day for a week before my period, the entire week of, and about a week either. I wasn't able to function at all.Within two days of going on Nexplanon the hormonal migraines stopped and I've had no issues with it as far as I can tell, it's been perfect. My doctors didn't want me to take anything with estrogen because of my migraines. I also don't feel like myself with pills containing estrogen. My problems with my periods started when I was 13 (started having periods around when I turned 12) and so I've been on and off birth control pills since then. I only had a doctor that actually cared about diagnosing or finding the problem last year and she found I had somewhat elevated testosterone--but as my symptoms return gradually after a long period of being on the pill, they weren't in full swing. She suspected PCOS but we didn't really confirm anything or do more than blood tests.I really don't want to stop Nexplanon because it's worked like a dream and I feel better overall on it than I have with my natural disaster of a cycle or with any pills, but I'm also generally just terrified of how my EDS is going downhill. No doctors have mentioned this to me yet so I don't know a lot about how it can affect EDS. https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://ift.tt/2RgCo9m
