If your mental health is deteriorating because of hair loss, consider seeing a psychiatrist, counselor or mental health specialist.

I know discussing mental health as a man is somewhat taboo, but the number of posts and comments on this sub about people feeling depressed and suicidal because of their hair loss really concerns me. If you feel hopeless or like giving up, remember that there are probably avenues your haven't pursued yet and refusing to pursue them solely on the basis of pride, ego, or your commitment to misery is stupidity, not strength.

No one is going to pretend hair loss isn't an awful affliction which seriously impacts your quality of life. I went from NW1 to NW3 over the course of a year and a half starting at 17, and the comments (especially from women) about my hair went from how thick and attractive it was to how massive my forehead is. That fucking stings, we all know it, and that's not even close to the worst people have suffered because of baldness. But if it's enough to ruin your life, its highly likely hair loss isn't the only contributing factor.

I just want to encourage anyone whose mental health is seriously suffering to go find some kind of help if you can. Using antidepressants to treat a neurotransmitter imbalance is no different than using Fin to change your hormonal profile. Opening up to a therapist says you're strong enough to improve your life, not that you're somehow giving in to weakness.

Your hair is part of who you are to the world. Just be honest when you ask yourself whether baldness or your attitude towards life contributes more to your image. If it's the latter, try to contextualize that as your problem, and treat hair loss as a contributor to it.

I know discussing mental health as a man is somewhat taboo, but the number of posts and comments on this sub about people feeling depressed and suicidal because of their hair loss really concerns me. If you feel hopeless or like giving up, remember that there are probably avenues your haven't pursued yet and refusing to pursue them solely on the basis of pride, ego, or your commitment to misery is stupidity, not strength.No one is going to pretend hair loss isn't an awful affliction which seriously impacts your quality of life. I went from NW1 to NW3 over the course of a year and a half starting at 17, and the comments (especially from women) about my hair went from how thick and attractive it was to how massive my forehead is. That fucking stings, we all know it, and that's not even close to the worst people have suffered because of baldness. But if it's enough to ruin your life, its highly likely hair loss isn't the only contributing factor.I just want to encourage anyone whose mental health is seriously suffering to go find some kind of help if you can. Using antidepressants to treat a neurotransmitter imbalance is no different than using Fin to change your hormonal profile. Opening up to a therapist says you're strong enough to improve your life, not that you're somehow giving in to weakness.Your hair is part of who you are to the world. Just be honest when you ask yourself whether baldness or your attitude towards life contributes more to your image. If it's the latter, try to contextualize that as your problem, and treat hair loss as a contributor to it. https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://ift.tt/2CLa37f
