Seems like once a month she says she’s done

It’s infuriating. We’ll have a good spell for a week or so, then the fights will ramp up, and then she’ll say she’s done and she’s taking our 2 kids to her parents house. And of course I’m the one who will end up leaving because I don’t want to disorient my 2 very young toddler kids. The doctor told her she had some hormonal imbalances and she’s taking birth control to regulate it per docs request. But I can’t keep doing this. As I left this morning she says “did you pack a bag?” I just sent her on a 8 day adventure to Europe to visit her best friend who moved away and within 48 hours of her getting home she starts with the hurtful talk. Telling me I never told her how I now see how hard her job is as a stay at home parent (I did say that btw) and telling me I did 50% of the things she normally does while she was gone (regarding taking care of the kids and house). It just hurts. It all hurts so bad. I just don’t know how she can go from being so loving and happy to see me to so angry with me so quick and it all feels so out of the blue. She called me having a panic attack yesterday and I was trying to help and out of the blue she says “I just have to much to do, you don’t know what it’s like because you only did half the things I do while I was gone.” Um...ouch. I get what she’s saying but why does she have to be so god damned mean about it. We went on a trip back in June and since then she has used the word “divorce” or a variation (separate, split up) no less than 10 times. I’m absolutely exhausted. Thank you for letting me vent. Sleeping on my friend’s futon tonight.

It’s infuriating. We’ll have a good spell for a week or so, then the fights will ramp up, and then she’ll say she’s done and she’s taking our 2 kids to her parents house. And of course I’m the one who will end up leaving because I don’t want to disorient my 2 very young toddler kids. The doctor told her she had some hormonal imbalances and she’s taking birth control to regulate it per docs request. But I can’t keep doing this. As I left this morning she says “did you pack a bag?” I just sent her on a 8 day adventure to Europe to visit her best friend who moved away and within 48 hours of her getting home she starts with the hurtful talk. Telling me I never told her how I now see how hard her job is as a stay at home parent (I did say that btw) and telling me I did 50% of the things she normally does while she was gone (regarding taking care of the kids and house). It just hurts. It all hurts so bad. I just don’t know how she can go from being so loving and happy to see me to so angry with me so quick and it all feels so out of the blue. She called me having a panic attack yesterday and I was trying to help and out of the blue she says “I just have to much to do, you don’t know what it’s like because you only did half the things I do while I was gone.” Um...ouch. I get what she’s saying but why does she have to be so god damned mean about it. We went on a trip back in June and since then she has used the word “divorce” or a variation (separate, split up) no less than 10 times. I’m absolutely exhausted. Thank you for letting me vent. Sleeping on my friend’s futon tonight.
