A persistent and damaging lack of energy that nothing can seem to solve?

18, female, 5'8, 115lbs, caucasian (specifically Russian and Irish heritage), I remember these symptoms from as early as age 7, whole body, diagnosed with depression and lactose intolerance, no current medications, use of drugs limited entirely to stimulants with more dangerous and powerful drugs used over the years of fatigue from caffeine to methamphetamine, do not drink or smoke anything.

I understand that the use of methamphetamine and other stimulants will have a heavy effect on the lack of energy, I am inquiring about what caused the lack of energy to the extent where I felt the need to use them in the first place. For all stimulants I would often take several month tolerance breaks as having just caffeine for two days in a row would gain immense tolerance. Another piece of information that may help, methamphetamine has never caused any form of euphoria, when I used it I would take it in the morning and have a normal school day but I would be able to focus on class for mostly the entire time unlike my normal tendency to lose focus every 10-20 minutes and have trouble regaining attention, I generally had no issues sleeping during the use either, these were the effects regardless of the dose.

From age 11, when able to sleep without disturbances or a need to wake up the minimum amount I will sleep is usually 10 hours and the average can be from 10-16 hours. Nightly for average school days I sleep 8-9 hours, I have done this strictly since age 11 though occasionally there will be an hour extra or less due to miscellaneous circumstances.

From June 2017-June 2018 I took Zoloft for my depression with a dose of 100mg daily taken before bed. It caused strong heartburn and very little effect on anything else aside from emotional numbness through the first three months.

Up until age 16 I was unaware I was lactose intolerant and would often have severe diarrhea and abdominal pain at least once a week. I first noticed that the symptoms went away as I went on a mostly vegan diet (also included fish). This was not inquired by a doctor as up until age 16 I was in the care of someone who wouldn't allow me to see any doctors for any reason not including dentists and optometrists, I had also secretly attended counselling where I got my diagnoses for depression.

I have been told many things by many people as to what is the cause of my persistent lack of energy. ADD, adrenal fatigue, hormonal imbalance, hypersomnia,, thyroid conditions, candida, depression, just teenage behaviour, and lack of willpower have all been proposed though I have no knowledge of what most of those are or entail.

I ask so I have some form of basis or starting point for what to do. Often throughout my life I have been told this is all quite normal though it has always felt too off and horrible for me to believe that is the case. I have made many bad and unhealthy choices over the years, I am sure much of those have made issues worse. Even though I have made those choices I still feel I deserve to be able to at least try to find out if there is anything else underlying. Often when drugs of any kind are mentioned, all other points are thrown away and drugs are seen as the primary/only cause of issue and all discussion is thrown away as a strong anti-drug message is enforced rather than discussed. I do see the fault in my ways and I am actively changing my behaviour towards them but please, I am begging anyone who reads this, please see me as a human and not just a druggie, I know that there is or was something else wrong. I am very grateful for any responses and thank you so much for taking the time to help me out.

18, female, 5'8, 115lbs, caucasian (specifically Russian and Irish heritage), I remember these symptoms from as early as age 7, whole body, diagnosed with depression and lactose intolerance, no current medications, use of drugs limited entirely to stimulants with more dangerous and powerful drugs used over the years of fatigue from caffeine to methamphetamine, do not drink or smoke anything.I understand that the use of methamphetamine and other stimulants will have a heavy effect on the lack of energy, I am inquiring about what caused the lack of energy to the extent where I felt the need to use them in the first place. For all stimulants I would often take several month tolerance breaks as having just caffeine for two days in a row would gain immense tolerance. Another piece of information that may help, methamphetamine has never caused any form of euphoria, when I used it I would take it in the morning and have a normal school day but I would be able to focus on class for mostly the entire time unlike my normal tendency to lose focus every 10-20 minutes and have trouble regaining attention, I generally had no issues sleeping during the use either, these were the effects regardless of the dose.From age 11, when able to sleep without disturbances or a need to wake up the minimum amount I will sleep is usually 10 hours and the average can be from 10-16 hours. Nightly for average school days I sleep 8-9 hours, I have done this strictly since age 11 though occasionally there will be an hour extra or less due to miscellaneous circumstances.From June 2017-June 2018 I took Zoloft for my depression with a dose of 100mg daily taken before bed. It caused strong heartburn and very little effect on anything else aside from emotional numbness through the first three months.Up until age 16 I was unaware I was lactose intolerant and would often have severe diarrhea and abdominal pain at least once a week. I first noticed that the symptoms went away as I went on a mostly vegan diet (also included fish). This was not inquired by a doctor as up until age 16 I was in the care of someone who wouldn't allow me to see any doctors for any reason not including dentists and optometrists, I had also secretly attended counselling where I got my diagnoses for depression.I have been told many things by many people as to what is the cause of my persistent lack of energy. ADD, adrenal fatigue, hormonal imbalance, hypersomnia,, thyroid conditions, candida, depression, just teenage behaviour, and lack of willpower have all been proposed though I have no knowledge of what most of those are or entail.I ask so I have some form of basis or starting point for what to do. Often throughout my life I have been told this is all quite normal though it has always felt too off and horrible for me to believe that is the case. I have made many bad and unhealthy choices over the years, I am sure much of those have made issues worse. Even though I have made those choices I still feel I deserve to be able to at least try to find out if there is anything else underlying. Often when drugs of any kind are mentioned, all other points are thrown away and drugs are seen as the primary/only cause of issue and all discussion is thrown away as a strong anti-drug message is enforced rather than discussed. I do see the fault in my ways and I am actively changing my behaviour towards them but please, I am begging anyone who reads this, please see me as a human and not just a druggie, I know that there is or was something else wrong. I am very grateful for any responses and thank you so much for taking the time to help me out. https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://ift.tt/2rdoaej
