Balding 29yo female!

As the title states, I am a 29 year old female. Other details: Hispanic, 104lbs, 5ft tall, no pregnancies, no meds, no medical history

I guess my question is where do I even begin to seek answers? My husband took this picture this morning, my hair is a little greasy, but it's only been 36hrs since I washed it.

As far as I know, I don't have any hormonal imbalances, all of the women in my family have abundant hair (even my grandmothers!), and I definitely don't use anything other than shampoo and conditioner on my hair. I do dye my hair about once a year with store kits, but last time I did it was over a year ago. I take prenatal vitamins along with biotin supplements. I had abundant hair in my early to mid 20s, and now it's like in the picture. Recently washed hair hides it, until it becomes greasy again. My hair loss in the shower is normal, in fact, I guess I lose less hair now than when I was younger, but I guess it's just not growing back. The loss isn't patchy.

I did attempt Women's Rogaine earlier this spring, but didn't really notice a difference, and from what I understand, it only treats hereditary hair loss (which does not apply).

I do have health insurance, but even if it covers hair loss (which I doubt), I can't afford to go to 15 different specialists to try to figure out what's going on.

As the title states, I am a 29 year old female. Other details: Hispanic, 104lbs, 5ft tall, no pregnancies, no meds, no medical historyI guess my question is where do I even begin to seek answers? My husband took this picture this morning, my hair is a little greasy, but it's only been 36hrs since I washed it.As far as I know, I don't have any hormonal imbalances, all of the women in my family have abundant hair (even my grandmothers!), and I definitely don't use anything other than shampoo and conditioner on my hair. I do dye my hair about once a year with store kits, but last time I did it was over a year ago. I take prenatal vitamins along with biotin supplements. I had abundant hair in my early to mid 20s, and now it's like in the picture. Recently washed hair hides it, until it becomes greasy again. My hair loss in the shower is normal, in fact, I guess I lose less hair now than when I was younger, but I guess it's just not growing back. The loss isn't patchy.I did attempt Women's Rogaine earlier this spring, but didn't really notice a difference, and from what I understand, it only treats hereditary hair loss (which does not apply).I do have health insurance, but even if it covers hair loss (which I doubt), I can't afford to go to 15 different specialists to try to figure out what's going on.
