Do I have a hormonal problem? What should I ask my doctor without being embarrassing?

I’m 19 m. This is starting to bother me but I feel like I have a low sex drive. It’s dead. TMI, but if I masturbate the next few days my sex drive is dead. A lot of the time I don’t feel anything unless I go weeks without masturbating, which I can do no problem. I also have gynecomastia. I am small boned and have a small waist, hourglass shape I think. 27 inch waist, 34ish hips. Could I have a hormonal imbalance? Could it be due to my plant based diet?

I’m 19 m. This is starting to bother me but I feel like I have a low sex drive. It’s dead. TMI, but if I masturbate the next few days my sex drive is dead. A lot of the time I don’t feel anything unless I go weeks without masturbating, which I can do no problem. I also have gynecomastia. I am small boned and have a small waist, hourglass shape I think. 27 inch waist, 34ish hips. Could I have a hormonal imbalance? Could it be due to my plant based diet?
