Masturbation correlation with acne - my story and theory

Nobody will probably read this but I have to let these things off my chest. I am a 17 year old who has dealt with acne for 5 years now actually. It has taken quite a significant toll on my confidence and it ruined so many great things I could have had during those 5 years. On my prom night 3 years ago, I had a cystic one in the middle of my forehead and it was so frustrating (and of course, a lot more on the other parts of the face). Don't get me wrong, I am a straight male but until a couple of months ago I used makeup (specifically concealer) to hide my acne and what do you know - my acne was worse because of it. I have a type which is big and leaves scars even without popping, been to laser treatment 3 times and I will need to go there at least 3 more. Now, what does fapping have to do with this? Well, I have watched porn since 3rd grade, started masturbating on a regular since 5th. The only "big" break from fapping I had during that time is when I had a surgery and I had to recover properly. I have heard about nofap 2 years ago and the whole idea of it has been always amazing to me. I wanted to try it out but I have never, in these 2 years go more than 2-3 days. I am seriously addicted. Sometimes I go 2-3 times per day. BUT, I had one break which was actually a week long, and I used that week to test what will happen to my acne, as I always suspected some correlation between those two. So I haven't masturbated that week and my acne cleared up quite a lot actually. After that I went 1 week with my regular fapping spree and my acne started coming back in. And I got a couple of new ones a day which is a very big amount. My theory is - don't get me wrong, I am not a scientist or some kind of dermatologist to say this, but my way of understanding this is that if you are a teenager or adult (preferably teenager) who is prone to acne, it can cause hormonal imbalances which can lead to acne. And that makes sense to me as a lot of hormones are going crazy when you are in your teen years. However, for adults I cannot really think of a valid reason as you have gone through puberty already. Anyways, I have started a great skincare regimen, I am having a clean diet and I am currently on day 4 of nofap and trust me, I am not going back. F*ck fapping and porn, it has ruined my life completely, I have both mental and physical scarring (literally lol). I started meditation and cold showers aswell. I will work on myself, to become a better, more confident me, and I will use nofap to get there. I will start reading personal development books, so if you have any good recommendations, please feel free to reply with some good recommendations! Also, there is this girl which has the best personality I could ever ask for in a girl. With all these things, I promise to all of you, I will be with her, mark my words. We are all in this together, I wish good luck to anyone going on this journey, thank you all, from the bottom of my heart, for everything you guys have taught me. And thank you for reading, I appreciate you so much!

Nobody will probably read this but I have to let these things off my chest. I am a 17 year old who has dealt with acne for 5 years now actually. It has taken quite a significant toll on my confidence and it ruined so many great things I could have had during those 5 years. On my prom night 3 years ago, I had a cystic one in the middle of my forehead and it was so frustrating (and of course, a lot more on the other parts of the face). Don't get me wrong, I am a straight male but until a couple of months ago I used makeup (specifically concealer) to hide my acne and what do you know - my acne was worse because of it. I have a type which is big and leaves scars even without popping, been to laser treatment 3 times and I will need to go there at least 3 more. Now, what does fapping have to do with this? Well, I have watched porn since 3rd grade, started masturbating on a regular since 5th. The only "big" break from fapping I had during that time is when I had a surgery and I had to recover properly. I have heard about nofap 2 years ago and the whole idea of it has been always amazing to me. I wanted to try it out but I have never, in these 2 years go more than 2-3 days. I am seriously addicted. Sometimes I go 2-3 times per day. BUT, I had one break which was actually a week long, and I used that week to test what will happen to my acne, as I always suspected some correlation between those two. So I haven't masturbated that week and my acne cleared up quite a lot actually. After that I went 1 week with my regular fapping spree and my acne started coming back in. And I got a couple of new ones a day which is a very big amount. My theory is - don't get me wrong, I am not a scientist or some kind of dermatologist to say this, but my way of understanding this is that if you are a teenager or adult (preferably teenager) who is prone to acne, it can cause hormonal imbalances which can lead to acne. And that makes sense to me as a lot of hormones are going crazy when you are in your teen years. However, for adults I cannot really think of a valid reason as you have gone through puberty already. Anyways, I have started a great skincare regimen, I am having a clean diet and I am currently on day 4 of nofap and trust me, I am not going back. F*ck fapping and porn, it has ruined my life completely, I have both mental and physical scarring (literally lol). I started meditation and cold showers aswell. I will work on myself, to become a better, more confident me, and I will use nofap to get there. I will start reading personal development books, so if you have any good recommendations, please feel free to reply with some good recommendations! Also, there is this girl which has the best personality I could ever ask for in a girl. With all these things, I promise to all of you, I will be with her, mark my words. We are all in this together, I wish good luck to anyone going on this journey, thank you all, from the bottom of my heart, for everything you guys have taught me. And thank you for reading, I appreciate you so much!
