Out of loss, I am humbled.

Ok. This holiday has been very difficult. We lost our baby on Thanksgiving, and the MC was complete yesterday. We’re devastated, especially because we had no answers. A week earlier we saw a strong, 8-week heartbeat, and a week later it was gone.

Today, I wasn’t feeling very well, I was afraid something had gone wrong or maybe I was developing an infection so I went in for some tests. It’s bitter sweet, but the tests revealed my thyroid is highly dysfunctional. So far gone in fact, that it’s amazing I was even able to get pregnant and stay pregnant long enough to realize I was pregnant. My Dr and I now have a plan of action to get me healthy again and I am so grateful.

It’s very sad that I lost my baby, but if it weren’t for the pregnancy, I never would have known I had a problem at all and I might have gone on TTC for years without ever knowing there was a hormonal imbalance stopping me. Now my partner and I know we need to first correct this issue before TTC again, less we would only MC again and again.

I’m 32 years old and have a major medical condition that will likely have me on medication for the rest of my life, and I had no idea! I’ve never been the type to go to the Dr, never thought I needed to. This whole experience has humbled me. Our bodies are delicate and attention needs to be paid to their well-being. It breaks my heart to learn that I was the reason my baby will never join us on earth, but I am go grateful that modern medicine has revealed to me a very treatable condition, that once treated, will allow me to go on to build a happy and healthy baby in the future.

Ok. This holiday has been very difficult. We lost our baby on Thanksgiving, and the MC was complete yesterday. We’re devastated, especially because we had no answers. A week earlier we saw a strong, 8-week heartbeat, and a week later it was gone.Today, I wasn’t feeling very well, I was afraid something had gone wrong or maybe I was developing an infection so I went in for some tests. It’s bitter sweet, but the tests revealed my thyroid is highly dysfunctional. So far gone in fact, that it’s amazing I was even able to get pregnant and stay pregnant long enough to realize I was pregnant. My Dr and I now have a plan of action to get me healthy again and I am so grateful.It’s very sad that I lost my baby, but if it weren’t for the pregnancy, I never would have known I had a problem at all and I might have gone on TTC for years without ever knowing there was a hormonal imbalance stopping me. Now my partner and I know we need to first correct this issue before TTC again, less we would only MC again and again.I’m 32 years old and have a major medical condition that will likely have me on medication for the rest of my life, and I had no idea! I’ve never been the type to go to the Dr, never thought I needed to. This whole experience has humbled me. Our bodies are delicate and attention needs to be paid to their well-being. It breaks my heart to learn that I was the reason my baby will never join us on earth, but I am go grateful that modern medicine has revealed to me a very treatable condition, that once treated, will allow me to go on to build a happy and healthy baby in the future. https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://ift.tt/2Atul2l
