About my aging mom in poor health

56 years old, female, 5' 6", ~350 to 400 pounds, white, decades, body wide, medical issues (obesity, frequent overeating, type 2 diabetes, leg pain via pinched nerves both sides, inability to stand for short periods of time, prone to falling, complications from gastric bypass surgery 10 years ago mainly including nutrient imbalances, excessive sleeping, leg swelling, bouts of incoherence and lack of awareness, depression), medications are extensive (pain killers, hormonal modifiers, diabetes related medications, gastric bypass complication related medications, antidepressants), no recreational drugs, former smoker (quit 28 years ago, smoked for 17 years prior).

She had back surgery for the leg pain which failed to be effective.

My question is simple. Given that my mom is quickly deteriorating in health (body and mind), what is her life expectancy?

What are some complications she can expect in these next few years?

I ask because I'm afraid for her. She looks worse every time I see her (once a year for Christmas). I think she needs an intervention, but if she doesn't understand what her current future holds in store, she'll never change her ways, her health will wither, and she'll never get to meet my kids.

What medical professionals should be present when we hold an intervention?

56 years old, female, 5' 6", ~350 to 400 pounds, white, decades, body wide, medical issues (obesity, frequent overeating, type 2 diabetes, leg pain via pinched nerves both sides, inability to stand for short periods of time, prone to falling, complications from gastric bypass surgery 10 years ago mainly including nutrient imbalances, excessive sleeping, leg swelling, bouts of incoherence and lack of awareness, depression), medications are extensive (pain killers, hormonal modifiers, diabetes related medications, gastric bypass complication related medications, antidepressants), no recreational drugs, former smoker (quit 28 years ago, smoked for 17 years prior).She had back surgery for the leg pain which failed to be effective.My question is simple. Given that my mom is quickly deteriorating in health (body and mind), what is her life expectancy?What are some complications she can expect in these next few years?I ask because I'm afraid for her. She looks worse every time I see her (once a year for Christmas). I think she needs an intervention, but if she doesn't understand what her current future holds in store, she'll never change her ways, her health will wither, and she'll never get to meet my kids.What medical professionals should be present when we hold an intervention? https://ift.tt/eA8V8J http://bit.ly/2EWBcGb
