Are my hormones all over the place?

Today I saw my neighbours new born granddaughter and started to become teary because she was so cute. I am due on my period in a week or so, so I suspect that is the reason (but I looked like such a weirdo 🙄). I just turned 20 and I am wondering if this is a normal reaction for a girl my age. Is this normal as you transition into a woman or could it be a sign of a hormonal imbalance? Any opinion would be great!

Today I saw my neighbours new born granddaughter and started to become teary because she was so cute. I am due on my period in a week or so, so I suspect that is the reason (but I looked like such a weirdo 🙄). I just turned 20 and I am wondering if this is a normal reaction for a girl my age. Is this normal as you transition into a woman or could it be a sign of a hormonal imbalance? Any opinion would be great!
