Help me find symptoms of hormonal shock (for a story)

This is for a story, as mentioned in the title. It’s a paranormal fantasy novel, but with ties to advanced medicine and science fiction.

My protagonist, Kaitlyn, has been kept on a type of werewolf hormone suppressant by her parents to keep her from presenting, where she truly becomes a werewolf and has her first shift. She doesn’t know this, and doesn’t know that she is a werewolf.

She is kidnapped by another werewolf pack. The pack’s doctor, Adrian, begins a complete discontinuation, not titration, of her suppressant and gives her placebo pills. He also administers daily, increasing doses of active werewolf hormones to induce her presentation. Adrian intentionally does this quickly, within a week’s time, to force Kaitlyn to present as fast as possible.

I’m attempting to make an accelerated timeline while still being reasonable, but a week may or may not be too fast.

The withdrawal and induction method that Adrian is doing, while much faster than average, is not uncommon in the werewolf community, especially considering if the individual was raised not knowing that they are a werewolf.

Now, on to my question. Can the withdrawal of one substance and the introduction of another cause a type of physiological shock? How does this imbalance affect the individual’s mind and body?

I’ve been researching, but I haven’t yet come across a type of “hormonal shock” or other term in order to accurately portray what’s happening to Kaitlyn. Any suggestions would be great!

This is for a story, as mentioned in the title. It’s a paranormal fantasy novel, but with ties to advanced medicine and science fiction.My protagonist, Kaitlyn, has been kept on a type of werewolf hormone suppressant by her parents to keep her from presenting, where she truly becomes a werewolf and has her first shift. She doesn’t know this, and doesn’t know that she is a werewolf.She is kidnapped by another werewolf pack. The pack’s doctor, Adrian, begins a complete discontinuation, not titration, of her suppressant and gives her placebo pills. He also administers daily, increasing doses of active werewolf hormones to induce her presentation. Adrian intentionally does this quickly, within a week’s time, to force Kaitlyn to present as fast as possible.I’m attempting to make an accelerated timeline while still being reasonable, but a week may or may not be too fast.The withdrawal and induction method that Adrian is doing, while much faster than average, is not uncommon in the werewolf community, especially considering if the individual was raised not knowing that they are a werewolf.Now, on to my question. Can the withdrawal of one substance and the introduction of another cause a type of physiological shock? How does this imbalance affect the individual’s mind and body?I’ve been researching, but I haven’t yet come across a type of “hormonal shock” or other term in order to accurately portray what’s happening to Kaitlyn. Any suggestions would be great!
