Period Talk

Hi everyone! Just wanted to share my insights about periods and the pain accompanying it.

Boys stick around for this, this info is always helpful if you’re a brother, boyfriend or even a soon to be medical practitioner)

Girls, let’s get to it! In all honesty, I have cramps that can be crippling that it’s made me cry, feel light headed and nauseated so much so that I just want to desperately find a comfortable position and pass out.

I know many women who suffer from this whenever they get their period. However, you’re not alone. Get help if you’re in pain. I am well aware we have a high pain threshold but that DOES NOT mean we need to suffer. You deserve all the love and care you can get. Visit a doctor if your symptoms are unbearable so you can rule out possible endometriosis, PCOS and other hormonal imbalances. Disorders like endometriosis go undiagnosed with most women, if you are suspicious, go to a specialist if you can afford to.

Simple care package for yourself - Track your period!! It is important to track your period so you can stay up to date whilst also seeing fluctuations and irregularities that you would possibly have to discuss with your OB/GYN. I have been personally using the app Eve because I can even track my symptoms and an explanation as to why I have those symptoms are given. Eve also has a wonderful community of women sharing their thoughts and insights about different topics regarding women’s reproductive and sexual health. - Don’t binge, salty snacks, refined sugars and dairy can easily worsen your symptoms including acne and cause bloating - Hot water bag - Warm socks and comfy clothes - Magnesium rich foods and water - Epsom salt baths - Invest in good quality teas such as raspberry leaf (hormonal balance) chamomile and jasmine (upset tummy) peppermint (nausea) - CBD oil for cramps (Feel free to ask me more about this, CBD is NOT psychoactive) - Exercise (trust me when I say moving your body by simply going for a walk or trying out a yoga flow will tremendously help, I remember my English lit teacher telling me how important routine exercise is for the betterment of your cramps) - Period poop is REAL: don’t feel embarrassed as this happens due to the same prostaglandins causing our uterus to contract and expel blood, they head over to the bowel too. We face terrible pain due to ischemia (inadequate blood supply) which happens as a result of these contractions. This is medically described as dysmenorrhea (painful mensuration). Remember to stay super hydrated!! Also the more water you consume the less bloating you will have. - If you have the means, definitely invest in a device called Livia which is FDA approved backed by research and a completely non-invasive switch on/off for your cramps (it saves you from side effects of painkillers and money in the long run) - If you are on birth control, deeply question your choices or why the doctor has put you on it, it could hide underlying hormonal imbalances causing your symptoms eg. thyroid. Make sure you have exhausted everything else especially knowing the long term harm (if you are solely using it as a contraceptive, get rid of it and start using a device called Daysy: a daily use fertility tracker with 99.4% accuracy based on your basal body temperature, clinical evidence backed by 30 years of research)

How to have a more environmentally friendly period: As you are all aware, pads and tampons end up in landfills and thereby accumulate as a lot of waste given that we use an abundance during every period. Also most disposable pads have the plastic content of 4 supermarket plastic bags. From a health perspective: directly exposing your body to these products with artificial fragrances and chemicals causes long term concerns. - Menstrual cup: multiple brands out there, I use Organicup - THINX underwear (love the company, style options, their tech and what they support) - Reusable cotton pads like Lunapads - If you still prefer tampons, use ones without an applicator, brands like o.b.

Hi everyone! Just wanted to share my insights about periods and the pain accompanying it.Boys stick around for this, this info is always helpful if you’re a brother, boyfriend or even a soon to be medical practitioner)Girls, let’s get to it! In all honesty, I have cramps that can be crippling that it’s made me cry, feel light headed and nauseated so much so that I just want to desperately find a comfortable position and pass out.I know many women who suffer from this whenever they get their period. However, you’re not alone. Get help if you’re in pain. I am well aware we have a high pain threshold but that DOES NOT mean we need to suffer. You deserve all the love and care you can get. Visit a doctor if your symptoms are unbearable so you can rule out possible endometriosis, PCOS and other hormonal imbalances. Disorders like endometriosis go undiagnosed with most women, if you are suspicious, go to a specialist if you can afford to.Simple care package for yourself - Track your period!! It is important to track your period so you can stay up to date whilst also seeing fluctuations and irregularities that you would possibly have to discuss with your OB/GYN. I have been personally using the app Eve because I can even track my symptoms and an explanation as to why I have those symptoms are given. Eve also has a wonderful community of women sharing their thoughts and insights about different topics regarding women’s reproductive and sexual health. - Don’t binge, salty snacks, refined sugars and dairy can easily worsen your symptoms including acne and cause bloating - Hot water bag - Warm socks and comfy clothes - Magnesium rich foods and water - Epsom salt baths - Invest in good quality teas such as raspberry leaf (hormonal balance) chamomile and jasmine (upset tummy) peppermint (nausea) - CBD oil for cramps (Feel free to ask me more about this, CBD is NOT psychoactive) - Exercise (trust me when I say moving your body by simply going for a walk or trying out a yoga flow will tremendously help, I remember my English lit teacher telling me how important routine exercise is for the betterment of your cramps) - Period poop is REAL: don’t feel embarrassed as this happens due to the same prostaglandins causing our uterus to contract and expel blood, they head over to the bowel too. We face terrible pain due to ischemia (inadequate blood supply) which happens as a result of these contractions. This is medically described as dysmenorrhea (painful mensuration). Remember to stay super hydrated!! Also the more water you consume the less bloating you will have. - If you have the means, definitely invest in a device called Livia which is FDA approved backed by research and a completely non-invasive switch on/off for your cramps (it saves you from side effects of painkillers and money in the long run) - If you are on birth control, deeply question your choices or why the doctor has put you on it, it could hide underlying hormonal imbalances causing your symptoms eg. thyroid. Make sure you have exhausted everything else especially knowing the long term harm (if you are solely using it as a contraceptive, get rid of it and start using a device called Daysy: a daily use fertility tracker with 99.4% accuracy based on your basal body temperature, clinical evidence backed by 30 years of research)How to have a more environmentally friendly period: As you are all aware, pads and tampons end up in landfills and thereby accumulate as a lot of waste given that we use an abundance during every period. Also most disposable pads have the plastic content of 4 supermarket plastic bags. From a health perspective: directly exposing your body to these products with artificial fragrances and chemicals causes long term concerns. - Menstrual cup: multiple brands out there, I use Organicup - THINX underwear (love the company, style options, their tech and what they support) - Reusable cotton pads like Lunapads - If you still prefer tampons, use ones without an applicator, brands like o.b.
