Social / Anxiety flushing and Beta Blockers

I've been flushing more and more often. It seems the only thing that triggers it is social situations. However, I don't feel like I have anxiety, nothing worries me and I'm generally a super calm dude. I mediate daily. But I've crossed out all the triggers and flushing always seems to be from social situations -- perhaps exacerbated by a warm room but this is just a corollary imo. It used to be solely in extreme situations, perhaps a speech infront of lots of ppl, but now its all the time (even just a friendly conversation with someone I'm comfortable with...). I don't know what's wrong with me, but I feel like it's some imbalance in my body (hormonal perhaps) that sparks the flushes.

I've taken beta blockers for speeches and I can completely avoid a flush with them. I'd like to take them more regularly (4-5 days week). Does anyone here take them daily? Did they lose effectiveness after a while?

I've been flushing more and more often. It seems the only thing that triggers it is social situations. However, I don't feel like I have anxiety, nothing worries me and I'm generally a super calm dude. I mediate daily. But I've crossed out all the triggers and flushing always seems to be from social situations -- perhaps exacerbated by a warm room but this is just a corollary imo. It used to be solely in extreme situations, perhaps a speech infront of lots of ppl, but now its all the time (even just a friendly conversation with someone I'm comfortable with...). I don't know what's wrong with me, but I feel like it's some imbalance in my body (hormonal perhaps) that sparks the flushes.​I've taken beta blockers for speeches and I can completely avoid a flush with them. I'd like to take them more regularly (4-5 days week). Does anyone here take them daily? Did they lose effectiveness after a while?
