Starting Spironolactone

I am in my mid 20s. I have ADHD and a major hormonal imbalance. We’re not positive about it being PCOS, but all signs are pointing to it even if the ultrasound isn’t telling us much. What I do have, for certain, is a metric ton of issues revolving around my hormones and the ability to grow a fairly impressive beard.

It’s been a long time coming I think, but now that my cycles are more under control and I’m finally off the medications given to me after a misdiagnosis (it happens, often to us)- I’m on a pill that is, by all reports and what my doctor tells me, likely to help.

After my past experience with over-diagnosis of psychiatric conditions that I don’t have, being put on a ton of pills for them, and going through hell getting OFF them, I’m kind of nervous. I’ve done my research and know what to expect based on what Wikipedia and a few other sites tell me, but I was wondering what you all have to tell me about this?

Is there anything less obvious I should know about this medication? Any tips? Past experiences?

Thank you!

I am in my mid 20s. I have ADHD and a major hormonal imbalance. We’re not positive about it being PCOS, but all signs are pointing to it even if the ultrasound isn’t telling us much. What I do have, for certain, is a metric ton of issues revolving around my hormones and the ability to grow a fairly impressive beard.It’s been a long time coming I think, but now that my cycles are more under control and I’m finally off the medications given to me after a misdiagnosis (it happens, often to us)- I’m on a pill that is, by all reports and what my doctor tells me, likely to help.After my past experience with over-diagnosis of psychiatric conditions that I don’t have, being put on a ton of pills for them, and going through hell getting OFF them, I’m kind of nervous. I’ve done my research and know what to expect based on what Wikipedia and a few other sites tell me, but I was wondering what you all have to tell me about this?Is there anything less obvious I should know about this medication? Any tips? Past experiences?Thank you!
