Anyone else feel ashamed and not worthy enough to Persue a relationship with a woman?

It seems like it’s the norm to feel this way and that’s why we are here. Porn, media and society are all against us and it feels like a burden to carry. I feel undesirable, not worthy of pleasure. Society has said mean and nasty things to the point where it feels like everything is true. How can a small penis be visually attractive? How does it look masculine at all? How does it give the “full” feeling that women so often talk about? It can’t. How is it erotic? How is it any of those things? Because it’s so stigmatized any woman that finds out what you’re packing will automatically assume things from you such as maybe you’re insecure, inexperienced, self conscious, even if you act confident she’ll still have the small penis stigma attached to you stuck in the back of her head. It’s a game we can never win, everytime we go out of our way to let ourselves loose we are put back in our seat and reminded that small penises are seen widely as inferior. Anybody who says it doesn’t matter is trying to give the guy a break and help keep his sanity. Almost every girl I’ve talked to wouldn’t mind bigger and sees it as a challenge, as visually stimulating, some girls will become wet once they see a guy is packing. If you have a small dick you need to compensate on so much and even then that won’t be enough because the stigma will always be attached to us. People expect us to just “be confident” but that’s the biggest load of horse shit any horse has taken. Confidence roots from repeated success, it’s ingrained in early development even. Constant reassurance that we don’t recieve. Are we just expected to pretend the rejections, humiliations, jokes, wisecracks don’t exist? Are we supposed to brush them off and reman confident? I don’t think so. Size matters more than you’d think for both men and women, bigger will always be preffered. In today’s society more people will lean towards having an above average dong. Women wether they like to admit prefer slightly above average. The sexually experienced women without a doubt know that it matters. The only women I can think want a small dick are ugly, have hormonal imbalance problems, vaginusmus, bad experience/cheated/abused by an above average guy.

It seems like it’s the norm to feel this way and that’s why we are here. Porn, media and society are all against us and it feels like a burden to carry. I feel undesirable, not worthy of pleasure. Society has said mean and nasty things to the point where it feels like everything is true. How can a small penis be visually attractive? How does it look masculine at all? How does it give the “full” feeling that women so often talk about? It can’t. How is it erotic? How is it any of those things? Because it’s so stigmatized any woman that finds out what you’re packing will automatically assume things from you such as maybe you’re insecure, inexperienced, self conscious, even if you act confident she’ll still have the small penis stigma attached to you stuck in the back of her head. It’s a game we can never win, everytime we go out of our way to let ourselves loose we are put back in our seat and reminded that small penises are seen widely as inferior. Anybody who says it doesn’t matter is trying to give the guy a break and help keep his sanity. Almost every girl I’ve talked to wouldn’t mind bigger and sees it as a challenge, as visually stimulating, some girls will become wet once they see a guy is packing. If you have a small dick you need to compensate on so much and even then that won’t be enough because the stigma will always be attached to us. People expect us to just “be confident” but that’s the biggest load of horse shit any horse has taken. Confidence roots from repeated success, it’s ingrained in early development even. Constant reassurance that we don’t recieve. Are we just expected to pretend the rejections, humiliations, jokes, wisecracks don’t exist? Are we supposed to brush them off and reman confident? I don’t think so. Size matters more than you’d think for both men and women, bigger will always be preffered. In today’s society more people will lean towards having an above average dong. Women wether they like to admit prefer slightly above average. The sexually experienced women without a doubt know that it matters. The only women I can think want a small dick are ugly, have hormonal imbalance problems, vaginusmus, bad experience/cheated/abused by an above average guy.
