How do I begin working out and dieting if I can't get myself to do it?

I"m 5'6, 164 pounds, female and 28 yrs old. In the past 6 months, I have gained 20 pounds. I developed a hormonal imbalance where my testosterone levels are 100 more than they should be and even have a hormone found in pregnant women. I dont want to take birth control. Instead, I would like to lose it naturally by eating better and exercising. I don't have PCOS (I have regular periods and got pregnant 2 years ago but had an abortion.) I have a very unhealthy relationship with food. I binge eat constantly. Im bloated all the time. The more carbs the better. I don't know what to do. I'll eat healthy for a day but then go binge on 20 Oreos. It's almost like im punishing myself by binge eating or eating poorly. I am extremely unhappy with my life. I have been looking for jobs for months, to no avail. I am in a dead end relationship with an extremely selfish person that makes me feel very insecure. I dont know how to get myself out of this funk. I dont know how to motivate myself. I have never been more depressed and hopeless. I hate the way I look so refuse to look in the mirror or socialize. I dont leave my house unless it is to go to the grocery store. I have nothing left to wear because I fit in nothing and I am ashamed of myself and what I have become. I have four trips coming up in the next 4 months that I am thinking of canceling because of the way I look and how much weight I have gained. I am missing out on life and I dont know what to do. Im so lost and have zero sense of direction. I feel so helpless and hopeless. Any words of wisdom would help. Thank you.

I"m 5'6, 164 pounds, female and 28 yrs old. In the past 6 months, I have gained 20 pounds. I developed a hormonal imbalance where my testosterone levels are 100 more than they should be and even have a hormone found in pregnant women. I dont want to take birth control. Instead, I would like to lose it naturally by eating better and exercising. I don't have PCOS (I have regular periods and got pregnant 2 years ago but had an abortion.) I have a very unhealthy relationship with food. I binge eat constantly. Im bloated all the time. The more carbs the better. I don't know what to do. I'll eat healthy for a day but then go binge on 20 Oreos. It's almost like im punishing myself by binge eating or eating poorly. I am extremely unhappy with my life. I have been looking for jobs for months, to no avail. I am in a dead end relationship with an extremely selfish person that makes me feel very insecure. I dont know how to get myself out of this funk. I dont know how to motivate myself. I have never been more depressed and hopeless. I hate the way I look so refuse to look in the mirror or socialize. I dont leave my house unless it is to go to the grocery store. I have nothing left to wear because I fit in nothing and I am ashamed of myself and what I have become. I have four trips coming up in the next 4 months that I am thinking of canceling because of the way I look and how much weight I have gained. I am missing out on life and I dont know what to do. Im so lost and have zero sense of direction. I feel so helpless and hopeless. Any words of wisdom would help. Thank you.
