So when can I have fun with a girl?

Okay so bare with me... So I've pretty much fapped everyday for the last decade of my life, sometimes more than once, twice in a day. Have had a few girlfriends, sexually active and all. But I haven't been with anyone in almost a year because I've been too ashamed to talk to girls as a young adult male who still deals with acne. It got worse after high school, tried many over the counter products but nothing ever got rid of my acne. Opt against accutane cus its too much of a risk for me to try esp with myself now at 24 yrs old. Anyway, my acne hit its peak since my girlfriend broke up with me Dec 2017. Was depressed and all, shit hit the fan. Acne was a mess.

Anyway, my face has gotten better over the last year. Since Oct 2018 I hopped on doxycycline 100 mg daily and differin gel 0.1 for overnight usage and it def helps but I'm still not technically clear, patchy skin, bumps/pimples from time to time every week and all. Better, but not clear. So I took matters into my own hands and did some intense and thorough research about what else could be causing my acne, flare ups, etc.

FYI I'm a 24 yr old male, actively involved with sports, work out 4-5 days a week, eats very well, rarely any dairy intake (birthday cakes/sweets from time to time), only drink water (alcoholic beverages on occasion but I try not to). But still... WHAT ELSE CAN I DO???.. And then I come across NoFap...

After weeks of intense research, I've noticed that NoFap is a lifesaver for most guys dealing with hormonal acne. Hormonal imbalances happen when ejaculating, nutrients leaving your body, including zinc etc etc out the door. I understand and realized that I should give it a try.. I mean its tough to try but I'm mentally prepared for it and just want my acne to fuck off. So I started nofap about 13 days ago. Surprisingly (but unsurprisingly heh) my acne started to clear up. Although I did in fact have a pretty bad surge of pimples come out around the 6/7th day, things are looking decent atm. No breakouts, just taking things one day at a time....

But here's my problem now.. this girl I know wants to start hooking up with me every here and there and specifically wants to start this weekend coming up. What do I do? I don't want to start breaking out again cus I'm honestly fed up with acne, being 24 and all doesn't help my case either. But how and why would I reject this girl? Hell, I want play, I want to have fun. Will one or two ejaculations in one night just ruin 2 weeks of nofapping? I'm conflicted cus idk how long I'm even suppose to nofap for anyways. Pretty much asking if anyone out there has been or still is in the same situation as myself, trying out the nofap and while it is indeed working, will there honestly be a relapse if I decide to have fun with a girl from time to time? Sorry for the story guys, just felt like I had to put it all out there.

Okay so bare with me... So I've pretty much fapped everyday for the last decade of my life, sometimes more than once, twice in a day. Have had a few girlfriends, sexually active and all. But I haven't been with anyone in almost a year because I've been too ashamed to talk to girls as a young adult male who still deals with acne. It got worse after high school, tried many over the counter products but nothing ever got rid of my acne. Opt against accutane cus its too much of a risk for me to try esp with myself now at 24 yrs old. Anyway, my acne hit its peak since my girlfriend broke up with me Dec 2017. Was depressed and all, shit hit the fan. Acne was a mess.Anyway, my face has gotten better over the last year. Since Oct 2018 I hopped on doxycycline 100 mg daily and differin gel 0.1 for overnight usage and it def helps but I'm still not technically clear, patchy skin, bumps/pimples from time to time every week and all. Better, but not clear. So I took matters into my own hands and did some intense and thorough research about what else could be causing my acne, flare ups, etc.FYI I'm a 24 yr old male, actively involved with sports, work out 4-5 days a week, eats very well, rarely any dairy intake (birthday cakes/sweets from time to time), only drink water (alcoholic beverages on occasion but I try not to). But still... WHAT ELSE CAN I DO???.. And then I come across NoFap...After weeks of intense research, I've noticed that NoFap is a lifesaver for most guys dealing with hormonal acne. Hormonal imbalances happen when ejaculating, nutrients leaving your body, including zinc etc etc out the door. I understand and realized that I should give it a try.. I mean its tough to try but I'm mentally prepared for it and just want my acne to fuck off. So I started nofap about 13 days ago. Surprisingly (but unsurprisingly heh) my acne started to clear up. Although I did in fact have a pretty bad surge of pimples come out around the 6/7th day, things are looking decent atm. No breakouts, just taking things one day at a time....But here's my problem now.. this girl I know wants to start hooking up with me every here and there and specifically wants to start this weekend coming up. What do I do? I don't want to start breaking out again cus I'm honestly fed up with acne, being 24 and all doesn't help my case either. But how and why would I reject this girl? Hell, I want play, I want to have fun. Will one or two ejaculations in one night just ruin 2 weeks of nofapping? I'm conflicted cus idk how long I'm even suppose to nofap for anyways. Pretty much asking if anyone out there has been or still is in the same situation as myself, trying out the nofap and while it is indeed working, will there honestly be a relapse if I decide to have fun with a girl from time to time? Sorry for the story guys, just felt like I had to put it all out there.
