Best birth control for hormonal imbalance? (UK)

Hi all!

Okay so little back story- I haven’t really ever taken birth control as my first time trying the pill (Microgynon) I was about 16 and it really didn’t agree with me (major rash, breakout, mood swings..) and so I pretty much gave up and relied on condoms until I met my husband and we were prepared to have children. So I have no real experience with anything at all other than what I’ve learnt through friends, research online, and the Reddit community (I have been scouring this sub for the past few days).

I have just turned 34, have been a smoker for 20 years (no I’m not ready to quit yet!) and have 3 children. I’m a healthy weight (BMI is around 22.5) although we do have heart problems and diabetes within the family (I have just been diagnosed with pre diabetes).

I’ve always pretty much suffered with an hormonal imbalance but I’ve dealt with it without much turmoil and was happy. Except since I’ve hit 30 things have been getting slightly worse. My periods are like clockwork (perfect 28 day cycle) and I bleed for 5 days every period (although it’s always been super heavy, and I mean I wear 2 thick Kotex pads at nighttime and even then will soak through and cover the bed so we have to be diligent with laying down towels, mattress protector, etc...) that hasn’t changed. What has is that I’m finding it increasingly difficult to keep weight off, I have started to really have to watch what I eat and I never needed to before, I work out the same amount (5-6 times a week) and I’ve started getting oily skin and some breakouts that I haven’t experienced since being about 14-15. I’m also really tired all the time, fatigued, have a complete loss of energy, hair loss, etc but the worst of all are my mood swings- I’m literally unable to control myself most days now- I go from feeling fairly happy to either crying, being incredibly angry, depressed, anxious, etc... and after speaking with a GP over the phone she has suggested birth control as a means to even out my hormones.

What I’m concerned about is having little to no experience with them and what side effects they may cause. Also which one do you think would be best? I’m guessing she was hinting at a lack of/too much oestrogen causing the issues but I’m afraid being a smoker at my age that any combo pill would not be recommended. Also I’m terrified of weight gain so I won’t even contemplate something that has that as a very real side affect, it just wouldn’t be worth it to me. I like to stay slim.

So ladies what do you think may be the best thing to try? I’m really anti the injection (due to if I react badly it’s pretty much stuck in my system for months!) the IUD (I don’t want anything inserted into any of my reproductive organs TYVM!) and I’m also concerned about the implant due to every girl I know that’s been on it has gained crazy weight. I’m thinking obviously one of the pills (mini pill maybe?) would be the best bet but then again if I need the oestrogen then surely that won’t work? Help!!!

Hi all!Okay so little back story- I haven’t really ever taken birth control as my first time trying the pill (Microgynon) I was about 16 and it really didn’t agree with me (major rash, breakout, mood swings..) and so I pretty much gave up and relied on condoms until I met my husband and we were prepared to have children. So I have no real experience with anything at all other than what I’ve learnt through friends, research online, and the Reddit community (I have been scouring this sub for the past few days).I have just turned 34, have been a smoker for 20 years (no I’m not ready to quit yet!) and have 3 children. I’m a healthy weight (BMI is around 22.5) although we do have heart problems and diabetes within the family (I have just been diagnosed with pre diabetes).I’ve always pretty much suffered with an hormonal imbalance but I’ve dealt with it without much turmoil and was happy. Except since I’ve hit 30 things have been getting slightly worse. My periods are like clockwork (perfect 28 day cycle) and I bleed for 5 days every period (although it’s always been super heavy, and I mean I wear 2 thick Kotex pads at nighttime and even then will soak through and cover the bed so we have to be diligent with laying down towels, mattress protector, etc...) that hasn’t changed. What has is that I’m finding it increasingly difficult to keep weight off, I have started to really have to watch what I eat and I never needed to before, I work out the same amount (5-6 times a week) and I’ve started getting oily skin and some breakouts that I haven’t experienced since being about 14-15. I’m also really tired all the time, fatigued, have a complete loss of energy, hair loss, etc but the worst of all are my mood swings- I’m literally unable to control myself most days now- I go from feeling fairly happy to either crying, being incredibly angry, depressed, anxious, etc... and after speaking with a GP over the phone she has suggested birth control as a means to even out my hormones.What I’m concerned about is having little to no experience with them and what side effects they may cause. Also which one do you think would be best? I’m guessing she was hinting at a lack of/too much oestrogen causing the issues but I’m afraid being a smoker at my age that any combo pill would not be recommended. Also I’m terrified of weight gain so I won’t even contemplate something that has that as a very real side affect, it just wouldn’t be worth it to me. I like to stay slim.So ladies what do you think may be the best thing to try? I’m really anti the injection (due to if I react badly it’s pretty much stuck in my system for months!) the IUD (I don’t want anything inserted into any of my reproductive organs TYVM!) and I’m also concerned about the implant due to every girl I know that’s been on it has gained crazy weight. I’m thinking obviously one of the pills (mini pill maybe?) would be the best bet but then again if I need the oestrogen then surely that won’t work? Help!!!
