Going through depression? Just read my amazing story and it will be cured. Especially the second last Para. Edit: Thanks in advance for your overwhelming expected support and responses.

I was obviously working in an MNC earning 1.6 lack per month. And depressed. Then one day it occurred to me that I shouldn't be depressed. And that's how I overcome depression. If I can overcome depression you can too. What should you do? You do what I did. Make habits that cure depression. Easy.

Seriously though, I do appreciate those who are trying to make those who are under depression feel better. But you appear too hollow and pretentious to me. I am in a financially secure position and slightly depressed. I have seen depressed people. I try to learn about depression.

You can be successful financially and still be depressed. You can be successful career wise and still be depressed. You can be unemployed and penniless and still be depressed. Depression is not the cause of you being unemployed or penniless. To get into stable job is very difficult for an average Indian. Economic mobility is pretty low here. There are systemic flaws that keep poor perennially poor. The less wage you get, the more hours you work. There's a language barrier which effectively filter out a huge chunk of our population from having access to a comparatively humane job marketplace. But think about this. If you are depressed on top of being jobless and poor it makes improving your life far more harder. The normal everyday motivation that works for you, is not going to work for them. If you seriously ask yourselves "what's the point?" to every motivating reasons you currently hold, you will realise that your will to live, will to be happy, will to be healthy, will to be loved, will to be successful makes your motivating reasons relevant for you. It is never the other way around.

If you know any person going through depression, try and make them seek professional help. Sometimes physiological issues like hormonal imbalance will lead to depression. If that's the case there is no other way to help them than making them seek professional help. If that's not the case, then again, next best bet is making them visit their therapist regularly. This is difficult. Especially if they don't truly want to get out of depression. Yeah. There are depressed people who don't want to get out of depression as well. They are convinced that they right, and others call it depression. Never assume that what motivates you will motivate those under depression as well. The single most important thing you can do to help is never to enforce the belief that they are worthless for being depressed. You might have felt worthless yourselves on those odd occasions, maybe when you were rejected by your crush, when you were laid off, when you were scolded senseless by a stranger on the street. Try to Imagine that being the default, not some deep pit you fell down on odd occasions. You wouldn't want to tell those people to pull their socks up, would you? You see someone nearly dying in accident in front of you falling to the middle of road, you wouldn't honk your horn and tell them to get out of the road, would you?

If someone is depressed, jobless and poor, they may try to get a good job and whatever advices you have for anyone looking for job can be lavishly given to them as well. If by some stroke of luck they happens to be in the few who make it from rags to riches in India, they still need to address their depression. That's a separate story.

I was obviously working in an MNC earning 1.6 lack per month. And depressed. Then one day it occurred to me that I shouldn't be depressed. And that's how I overcome depression. If I can overcome depression you can too. What should you do? You do what I did. Make habits that cure depression. Easy.Seriously though, I do appreciate those who are trying to make those who are under depression feel better. But you appear too hollow and pretentious to me. I am in a financially secure position and slightly depressed. I have seen depressed people. I try to learn about depression.You can be successful financially and still be depressed. You can be successful career wise and still be depressed. You can be unemployed and penniless and still be depressed. Depression is not the cause of you being unemployed or penniless. To get into stable job is very difficult for an average Indian. Economic mobility is pretty low here. There are systemic flaws that keep poor perennially poor. The less wage you get, the more hours you work. There's a language barrier which effectively filter out a huge chunk of our population from having access to a comparatively humane job marketplace. But think about this. If you are depressed on top of being jobless and poor it makes improving your life far more harder. The normal everyday motivation that works for you, is not going to work for them. If you seriously ask yourselves "what's the point?" to every motivating reasons you currently hold, you will realise that your will to live, will to be happy, will to be healthy, will to be loved, will to be successful makes your motivating reasons relevant for you. It is never the other way around.If you know any person going through depression, try and make them seek professional help. Sometimes physiological issues like hormonal imbalance will lead to depression. If that's the case there is no other way to help them than making them seek professional help. If that's not the case, then again, next best bet is making them visit their therapist regularly. This is difficult. Especially if they don't truly want to get out of depression. Yeah. There are depressed people who don't want to get out of depression as well. They are convinced that they right, and others call it depression. Never assume that what motivates you will motivate those under depression as well. The single most important thing you can do to help is never to enforce the belief that they are worthless for being depressed. You might have felt worthless yourselves on those odd occasions, maybe when you were rejected by your crush, when you were laid off, when you were scolded senseless by a stranger on the street. Try to Imagine that being the default, not some deep pit you fell down on odd occasions. You wouldn't want to tell those people to pull their socks up, would you? You see someone nearly dying in accident in front of you falling to the middle of road, you wouldn't honk your horn and tell them to get out of the road, would you?If someone is depressed, jobless and poor, they may try to get a good job and whatever advices you have for anyone looking for job can be lavishly given to them as well. If by some stroke of luck they happens to be in the few who make it from rags to riches in India, they still need to address their depression. That's a separate story. https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://ift.tt/2NvJ8iX
